Industries set to be disrupted by Blockchain Technology.

in #decentralized20186 years ago (edited)

On November 14th, Greece will be hosting the Decentralized 2018 summit which will be taking place at the Divani Caravel Hotel in Athens. The event is attracting more than 1000 people from key industries around the World and more than 70 speakers to exchange knowledge and ideas on the innovative business and political implications of blockchain technologies. The disruption of industries by Blockchain Technology is one of the key issues that will be discussed during the summit. And here are some of the industries that will be shared about;

Real Estate;

The real estate industry is filled with cases of fraud. Scammers take advantage of the long transaction processes to con people especially those that want the transaction documents to be processed faster. This is among a long list of challenges faced by the Real Estates industry which also faces the problem of huge amounts of paper work when processing documents. Blockchain Technology reduces the steps required for a transaction to be processed as people deal with a blockchain directly other than intermediaries to process these transactions. The recording of transactions on a blockchain cuts the middlemen out thus reducing on costs and time taken while purchasing or selling a property.

The transfers under a blockchain are accurate and authentic and given that anybody on the blockchain network can see what's transpiring in a transaction, it makes it hard for errors to go unnoticed. Any data tampering will be quickly identified and prevented from going forward thus giving the transactions a high level of security.

Disputes which are known to be on property that have lasted years are easily solved when everything is recorded on a blockchain. The details of the buyers and sellers, details of the source of the money and where the money is heading to, help in tracing the chain of ownership of property. This prevents property cases from taking long and costly while in court.


Blockchain Technology could be a game changer when it comes to the way governments operate. The corruption, misuse of tax payers' money, vote rigging, misuse of donor funds, all are no more when governments operate on a blockchain. There is an immense amount of money alone that is saved when a government fully operates on a blockchain. This money goes to the middlemen who process paper work for example the lawyers, accountants, bankers, whom governments spend on to process and verify documents. Blockchain Technology cuts all these middle men out and reduces the size of personnel governments spend money on thus increasing on the revenue available for service delivery.

The transparency involved with Blockchain Technology makes it hard for government officials who misuse funds to get away with their crimes. All transactions that take place are recorded and can be tracked especially when huge amounts of money go missing. This ensures proper accountability for every penny of the tax payer's money. And for the donor funds, smart contracts ensure money only gets released when certain conditions are met thus making it hard for money to be diverted.

Blockchain Technology has huge potential in bringing back the trust of the people in the electoral processes. Elections around the World are always followed with disputes. Not even America could survive the speculations of vote rigging after Russia was accused of meddling in their recent presidential elections. Voting under a blockchain makes it easy to identify authentic voters and votes which brings authentic results. The blockchain too is transparent and anyone can review the final tally of the vote counting to get confidence in the democracy of the country.

Health care;

The health care system has always given medical personnel hard time when it comes to giving appropriate medication to patients. This is because of the poor record keeping which is not conducive to track patients' treatment from the various health centers they come from. Blockchain Technology has the potential to revolutionize the way patients' information is handled.

A patient's medical history gets easily monitored when it's on the Blockchain. Due to emergencies that come up when we get ill, we always end up using different doctors who are likely to administer different medications to our bodies. Having your medical profile on a blockchain ensures that there is no need for worrying about the different doctors you visit. All of these doctors will be able to follow your medical history by accessing your blockchain which only you hold a private key to.

You alone can give medical personnel access to your records if you want to keep them confidential. This allows doctors to administer quick treatment even in cases of emergency allowing you to receive the appropriate medication anywhere and at anytime of getting ill.

This and more will be presented during the Decentralized 2018 summit which you can not afford to miss on 14th November in Athens, Greece.

For more information about Decentralized 2018, checkout;

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· Promotional Video:

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