Can You Sponsor My Medical Tourism Trip? If Yes, Then I'll Leave First Thing Next Week

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Ok, I literally am going insane.

Here's some backstory: In 2014 I had a serious injury when doing hang clean pulls. I didn't know what it was, and so I just waited a few days and proceeded to lift when I felt better. It didn't seem like much, so I didn't stop training as hard as I always do. A few months after, I got re-injured in the same place after attempting a PR clean. I still didn't know what it was I was dealing with at that point, and so I did the same stupid 2-day rest routine and then continued to train really, really hard. I thought it was some kind of muscle strain in a really low place in my lower back, so I didn't think more of it. In January 2015 it re-ruptured for the 8:th time, this time placing me in bed for 24 hours not being able to walk even to go prepare a meal. At this point I realized that it was more serious than what I had prior believed, and I realized I had made several huge mistakes by not decreasing my tempo and training intensity I was putting on my body. However it still wasn't clear to me as to what the ailment was. The only thing I knew was that I could not get out of bed, that this was hell and, of course, that I really wanted to keep training to reach my weightlifting goals, but I could not. I stupidly went on a trip after discontinuing training for a few weeks (what was I even thinking?!), and trained on location. It seemed to be going really well, until *snap*. This was the 9:th time my back snapped in the same place, and I became bed-ridden in a foreign country the rest of my time I spent there. I knew what had happened and just how hard it was going to be to recover from it, even more since it got worse after every re-injury.

Now to the meat of the matter:

It turns out my L5 disc has herniated or bulged (both can be just as horrible). See image below:

The black thing is spine disc matter pushing out, touching my nerve, causing immense pain and discomfort.

The symptoms:

Some days I fear going outside, because if I put too much strain on the back, it can "snap", putting me in the same horrible situation I've been in 9 times in the time-span of 3 years. The lower back becomes so tense it feels it's going to explode any second, and this is a weightlifter and an acrobat talking. I'm not a 90-year old man. It varies from being chronic pain to going away, but then abruptly returning, and I don't know what to do. I've been rehabbing for over a year, but there's something I'm doing wrong.

And given that it took my almost 2 years to even figure out what I had, it is likely much more damage has been done, making it harder to recover from. I feel like a zombie walking in some unreality which I need to break free from, but don't know how.

Needless to say, I've been unable to work, and the depression coming out of this is just terrible. I pat myself on the back for having felt positive enough to make a few good posts on Steemit, but at this point my motivation for that is starting to fade since my back just isn't healing properly.

The problem with Swedish "healthcare":

The reason why there's a mouse pointer in the middle of the x-ray is because you as a patient isn't allowed to take home or even see the results and that the x-ray had to be photographed with a phone off-record. All you get is a "statement" on paper delivered by mail. The only reason I got to see this one is because of my contact who was a doctor, and even so, it took 4 months to get an MRI scheduled, and it took me 2,5 hours to drive there, and I don't have money for that now. I'm simply not going to endure this again.

I will go to a clinic in Kiev called "МЕДЕКС" instead:

I was there one year ago for my shoulder. It cost 750грн (~$27) to take hundreds of MRI scans which I received in my hand after 30 minutes after finishing the x-ray session, both as physical x-rays and on a CD. The people were amazing and wonderful. About 1 hour after I made the call I was lying in the machine listening to the wonderful machine noises. To get an MRI for the spine it costs 990грн (~$36).

It's not far, I speak the language, there's a direct flight line from Stockholm, and I know the place from before. It's excellent. The housing is extremely cheap as well (~$18/day), and the price of food is even less. If you help me, I will buy a ticket for Tuesday next week! In fact, I called the clinic today and they will be happy to see me whenever I'm ready.

These are the images from my prior medical tourism trip. Fortunately for me, my shoulder is 100% now! 1 injury down, 1 to go.


I have calculated that I will need about $110+$110 for plane tickets to and from Borispol, Kiev. The bus/train tickets from my town to the Stockholm Airport are about $20. I might be able to get my hands on some more money in a few days but it will in no way cover the plane tickets.  The MRI itself is $36 which I will be able to cover using some food money. The housing will be about $18/day depending on how long I'll stay. Maybe a few days?

I don't have money because I don't work due to my back being so unstable and could snap at any moment. I live in a small place belonging to relatives who are severe Swedish socialists without empathy who have not and will not help, and I am planning to move out and start working as soon as I know my back is in proper shape to proceed with my plans. I need to fix my back so I can start working again.

While I don't anticipate you to be able to help me with all of it, if you could add anything, it will be greatly appreciated and will give me more motivation to get well from this!

1160kr ($128) for a one-way ticket to Kiev, and about as much for a ticket back.

Promises I will make right here and right now:

  • I will post updates every day I'm there and post them here once a day.
  • I will post the x-rays with a newspaper from that day to prove I am on location.
  • I will photograph the plane tickets along with my user name.

I am going absolutely insane here, and I have so much to bring to the world, but I need to get rid of this ungodly demonic injury that has kept me in some cage of darkness for nearly 3 years now.

Please leave a comment for more details.

Viewing material:

Please help me return to my original, beast physical state. I cannot stand it anymore...

Thank you

- mus


Thank you all so much! And thank you @olivera-despina for the 25 STEEM. I'm going to continue saving up to make this happen. I woke up and got a rush of motivation seeing what had happened with this post. :)

Holy hell man, that's hard. Best of luck in your journey back to health

Yes, it's been a hell. Thanks. I will make it good!

You Btwists, hooks and fulls are so good. Tricking right? I hope you recover soon. Best whises

Correct, and thank you. I will get back to it and make them even better!

My wife had two herniated discs a few years ago and needed surgery to fix it. Before it, she couldn't even stand up straight. She would hobble to work like a zombie. After the surgery things got a lot better and now she is back to normal for the most part (it will never be 100%). I hope you can get everything corrected okay.

Holy shit. I didn't know what it was for a long while. What about her? Did she get it looked at immediately or did she go about her day not knowing anything and that way only making it worse? That is a real hell. I will return to the beast I am. Thanks!

She tried to get it looked at for a while before it got bad. When she finally got a doctor to look at it he bent her in a weird way and made it so she could barely walk. After that it was a few more months waiting for surgery and then almost a year of recovery. It's horrible that nobody would really take her serious that there was a problem until she actually became crippled.

Get well man. Don't do anymore lifting even if you feel better! Clearly it's taking a toll.

Yes, and a clear picture (an x-ray) will give me a sense of where I am and what I can do. I'm basically walking into a street as a blind man here. I will get well. Thanks!

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