Sci-fi Novel - The Dream Artist - Part 24

in #busy6 years ago


Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23

Part 24

I was alone in the office because Peri told me she couldn't come to work because of personal work. It was surprising that personal work and Peri could be used in the same sentence. Since we started working together, I have never heard a word about a boyfriend or a family member. She didn't mention them, nor did she have any clue that she was in contact with them. As far as I could tell, her only personal pleasure was to go for a long walk in shopping malls and buy well-designed clothes and accessories. Peri was like an angel who was sent down to do investigation when she was not asleep. She was the ideal employee that all the managers would want to be on their team. She seemed unaware of the characteristics of ordinary people, such as fear, laziness or stupidity. I knew that she wanted to get the title of the senior researcher as soon as possible, and it was clear that she was aiming for the higher roles for the future; nevertheless, her performance was admirable. I was willing to help her to get the results of her dedication. Although we were separated from each other, during our research, it was good for me to know that she was working elsewhere to achieve our common goal. Now I was feeling intimidated and lonely, and I didn't intend to go somewhere to meet someone or to get a clue. By doing what was more comfortable, I opened my mobile computer and started to gather information about dream art. I started reading the article about the history of dream art, which seemed to be liked by the reader's comments.

Short History Of Dream Art

It is misleading for some of us to assess dream art by looking at the point it has reached today. When we see the slightest flaw in the works given in this art branch, we judge them quickly. For a better understanding of dream art, it will be useful to mention a piece of history. Although it may be said that this history occurred before our eyes, we live in such an age that some art movements can be born and developed within our lifetimes. In the new arts of our age, there is no millennial history such as theater, sculpture, and painting, or dates measured by centuries, such as cinema. Everything is happening in front of our eyes, but how much can we capture in this age where history is accelerating? Let's remember what happened in front of our eyes as a whole. In doing so, perhaps we can better understand the spirit of dream art, which all love very much. Maybe some thoughts that may be fermented in our subconscious during this journey will be revealed, who knows. Perhaps we love dream art because it connects with our psyche and serves us to attain the spiritual completeness, integrity promised by the religions.

At first, we saw some blurry images moving in news releases. When scientists said that these images belong to the dreams of living people like us, we never shared their excitement. I remember like today when my wife said, "I'd rather look at a coffee cup." According to my dear wife, even those who appeared in the coffee cups were more open and bright than the first images. I remember that we were making obscene jokes about the early dreams that were published on the hypernet in our friendly conversations and we forgot about them. It seems that some dreamers have watched these images recorded for scientific purposes a little too much. We weren't aware of the dream art, but an ex-porn producer must have had seen a job here. The quality of the images relatively improved by new dream recording devices, and actors started making dream recording experiments.

And the first dream records of the sex footage were almost invading hypernet, reminiscent of the internet's early porn rush. Some of us have seen these strange images secretly in embarrassment; some of us have seen them clearly without the need to hide and criticize them with our relatives. Tens of Dream Studios distributed erotic or pornographic dreams of hundreds of leading dream artists to their subscribers via hypernet. Of course, the majority of 'higher art' circles opposed the definition of art as the release of dreams of former porn film actors, some of which include various perversions. In the twentieth century, they said that the art, which was opened to the public through mass communication tools, had taken a new blow and now lost its purity, like an old nobleman who had fallen on a wrong path. Dreaming was an ordinary job that didn't require any effort, and it didn't require any training; any dream that does not require any conscious effort of anyone could not be valuable. Because erotic film actors and their directors entered the dream art industry early, the audience continued to be at the center of the work when people were bored with the content related to sex. I have to admit; it was the exciting times where censorship debates were heated.

Dream recording technology was rapidly evolving, while the audience demanded dreams about every aspect of life. In time, the resolution of the dreams increased. Therefore, image clarity improved, and instead of dubbing, the original sounds heard in dreams began to be simulated. Meanwhile, rumors about chemicals used to influence the brain to increase dream efficiency began to spread, and techniques of directing the dream began to be discussed. For example, it was said that the dream artist listened to the sound of water or waves pouring during the dream to see a waterfall or a seashore. The early 'publish a lot of dreams, maybe one of them can become popular' period was about to close. Regardless of the opposition of the 'higher art' lobbies, some dream artists began to sharpen, almost every dream. Despite all the counter efforts of the filmmakers, dream rooms started to be opened starting from the edge of the cities. Instead of watching a movie, people spent half an hour within daily lives in the hustle and bustle; they were able to watch the latest dreams presented in packs. The creators of the dream art and their audience lived in the outskirts of the city, in modern slums, in the suburbs. The visibleness, open-mindedness or emptiness required by being a porn producer or actress is treated as a birthmark in the art of dream. Since dream art is practiced by people who have grown up in difficult conditions, it has been referred to as 'hard,' 'hitting,' and 'stunning.' Even in dreams of non-violence or non-pornography, this hardness can be felt like a formality. Maybe that's why dream art has long been regarded as a sub-culture, a cheap pastime for the neighborhood boys. Its presence was known, and the essential names of the media, commerce, and even the state were following this art with interest, but it seemed that everyone was avoiding praise, bringing it up.

Dream Art has remained a secret for a long time. It was never visible in the Central Media. It was perhaps exciting, but the dreams that were published were not beautiful according to traditional aesthetic standards. It was suggested that the dream art had not yet reached the level to appeal to the audience looking for elegance, symmetry, and subtleties. Dream art was like a black, wild mare running around the lush countryside, tossing her shiny vests. It was nice, but it needed to be trained and tamed. The new generation dream artists, including Selim Özben, have emerged in such a climate. They would be the generation of artists who would groom the dream art and preserve its essence and show its strength and beauty to everybody. They would show that dream art is loved not only because it demands a short watch time from people and calls directly to people's subconscious, but because it has a lot of labor, accumulation, and tradition behind it. As a matter of fact, nowadays dream art has matured and taken its rightful place among other arts. We can't thank the scientists, software developers, producers and artists who created it from nothing and brought it to the present day.

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It's great to see literature posted here on Steemit. I'll most likely start reading the story from the beginning. Makes more sense.

I'm a story teller too but never managed to sit down and write such a long text. That's pretty impressive! I might try some day...

Thank you. I am a professional writer in Turkey. I translate my novels and publish here. If you like writing, you should try.

Oh that's nice when everything is written already, although translation can be a pain sometimes... I wrote a few short stories but I mainly do drawing. I've always liked pictured tells better...


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