What is an NFT game? || by @munna101 || 10% for @TFC

in Tron Fan Club2 years ago
today 11 April,2022
আজ ২৮,ই চৈত্র,১৪২৮ বঙ্গাব্দ


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I would like to begin my discussion today by conveying my sincere greetings and love to all the members of the esteemed congregation.।

Today I'm going to talk to you about a new topic, and that is the NFT game. Talking about NFT or blockchain, I am getting more and more surprised by myself day by day. And these things are becoming the center of my interest. Let's discuss what is NFT game?,

What is an NFT game?

"The first NFT game was launched in 2017 with a game called Cryptakitis, and this game was also known as the virtual world at that time. The specialty of this game and the gameplay is that it gets a lot of trending at that time. And then there is so much pressure on the Ethereum network server for money transfer transactions that the server goes down for a while. Coins were used. But unfortunately, the craze for the game decreased again. "


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When it comes to NFT games, not games are games that are developed based on blockchain. And like many games, as there are under blockchain, each game will have its own market and token currency. These tokens are special and attractive to each player, and the reason is that the NFT tokens or coins received as these gifts can be converted into money through various payment platforms (eg: binary). And there is no limit to it. As a result, besides playing games, there is also the benefit of earning money. Also, without wasting your precious time, it is playing a great role in your financial support.


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You may have heard of Axie Infinity, the name of this game is very popular all over the world, and according to the current statistics, the players of this game can earn around 30/40 million per month by playing this game. And this game is also an NFT game. This game is traditional Or different from other traditional games. All items in this game will be in the player's own account. And through blockchain games, you can control your own tokens and items. And you can sell your game items or games without giving your own account information to anyone outside the traditional rules. And this is the advantage of blockchain games. This game has given many situations where players have earned thousands of dollars by selling their virtual land in Decentralia. You can buy your own racetrack in this village, then arrange tickets at your entrance gate and even launch anything on your street. And these are the things that make blockchain games different from all other cameras. Things don't look good, but things are really interesting. And these look like real-life reflections. And these games are not just about virtual business at all, but there is a way to make real money. Because the coin of the NFT game that makes money in these games is a crypto token, each game has its own value.

This is my presentation I am ending here like today. I hope you have learned a lot and got a rough idea about NFT games. And I'll try to shed some light on that later. Everyone will be fine, stay healthy, and take care of yourself.


My identity :

Firstly I am a Bengali. And secondly, I am a Steamian warrior. So far I have achieved so much. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person. As a student and apprentice, I'm learning from everyone. At the same time, I'm an independent thinker. I publish these in front of you.

I haven't played much of a nft related game. However, I have a lot of desire to play this type of game. Nice to read your post bro.

No matter, the interest in playing these games is increasing day by day

 2 years ago 

you have nicely explained about the blockchain ecosystem and showed your interest towards it. Good writing. keep up the good work.

thank You brother 🥰😍

You managed the topic about NFT very well and i appreciated your work

thank You 🖤

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