Million Benefits of Cork Fish You Should Know

in #blog6 years ago

Fish cork contains many nutrients that are beneficial to the body.

Fish found in lakes, swamps, streams and rice paddies are rich in albumin, a type of protein that accelerates postoperative healing and childbirth.


This substance also helps the growth of children and increase the weight of people with HIV AIDS (ODHA).

In addition to having lots of protein, cork fish meat has many other nutritional content Among them, zinc (zinc), amino acids, fats and other trace elements that the body needs.
Here are some benefits of cork fish:

Helps the healing process of diseases such as: Hepatitis, TBC / Lung Infection, Nephrotic.
Syndrome, Tonsillitis, Thypus, Diabetes, Broken Bones, Gastritis, ITP, HIV, Sepsis, Stroke, Minor Thalassemia.
Increases Albumin and Body Resistance levels.
Helps Eliminate (swelling).
Improving Malnutrition in Infants, Children and Pregnant Women.
Helps heal Autism.
Accelerate Post-Surgical healing process.
Accelerate healing Deep inside wounds.
As a substitute solution on the condition of albumin consolidating deficiency.
Actually cork fish has high economic value.

Disclosed in research Prof. Dr. Ir. Eddy Suprayitno, that cork has the highest proteinin content compared to the albumin protein source from other fish, such as, catfish, milkfish, carp, tilapia, and others.

Including protein content of cork is also the highest compared to foodstuffs that are known as a source of protein such as eggs, chicken meat, and beef.

This is why the parents used to give the cork to the children, the elderly, or the sick, because the proteins contained by the fish are easily digested by infants, children, the elderly, albumin.


Benefits of Albumin Fish Cork serves to regulate osmotic pressure in the blood, keeping the presence of water in the blood plasma so as to maintain blood volume in the body to avoid swelling.

Then Is there a Side Effect If Albumin Excess? There is no! If excessive consumption of albumin this will not cause excess albumin (hiper albumin).

When the supply of albumin is excessive, the body will store it as muscle mass, so that healthy people are safe to consume albumin as a supplement.

Consumption of cork fish as much as 2 kg per day within 8 days can increase albumin level to reach ideal standard that is 3,5-5 g / dl.

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