Suffering from anxiety

in Project HOPE3 months ago



One can find many people around who like to be extremely perfect. It may be a colleague, spouse, friend. However, the amount of suffering from 'perfectionism' also increases. Perfectionists have an all-or-nothing mentality from fear of failure. The condition that works in them is 'self-efficacy', that is, thinking - if I can succeed in this, then I will be the best. However, it is not possible to be perfect overnight. However, a person can sink into darkness by being stuck in this thought.

``Perfectionism'' is the tendency to perform more highly or flawlessly towards others or oneself than is required in the situation. In other words, it is not a mental illness, but a character trait. It has both positive and negative effects. Some people try to be perfect but accept minor mistakes. Many are afraid of failure, and they suffer from anxiety. From which depression and other health problems arise. Anxiety disorders are related to the tendency to be perfect.

People who suffer from social pressure fear being criticized by others. As a result, socializing becomes stressful for them. People can lose their individuality due to anxiety while maintaining too high a standard. Suicidal tendencies have also been observed among those with this type of problem.

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