The Long-Term Effects of Our Current Political Actions

in #trump7 years ago (edited)


I was just recently visiting my in-laws as a way to keep the peace but I was met with one of those topics that I just do not discuss with people due to the powder keg of American and international politics. Not because I want to avoid the conflict but that I would like to find some enlightenment on the subject and the topic is generally discussed which the stench of bias. At any rate, the question "What, do you think of your boy Trump?" was raised by my mother-in-law. Now to be fair the question did peak my interest as I had not truly thought about the question at some time.
With the President being brought up every day I have suddenly found myself sickened with the topic altogether. “What do I think of President Donald Trump?” Then it dawned on me after reflecting on the question, she did not refer to the president with his title. I do not know how I did not smell that foul stench of disapproval as it is so pungent. Now, this little jab was said in private which truly is not a problem in itself but it is a testament to the current state of politics both here in America and around the world.

The comparability of expressing the idea of impeaching the President who, need I remind you, has not even completed a full calendar year or even worse the pleading for an assassination of the President is a clear indicator of our current political situation, a powder keg. Not even a full six months in preliminary impeachment papers were filed and there was, even more, outcry following the Virginia protest killing in August 2017. Outside of the political arena, the hate has turned into a sort of cultural symbol in one way or another. The minorities classes typically see the idea of Trump as a negative impact on their state as American’s seeing anyone who supports him for whatever reason on similar terms. Hence, the cry of white supremacy even to those who are neither white nor advocating supremacy ideas. If it is not a certain race, it is sex, religion or one of the other easily divisive characteristics that are utilized to fuel the hate of a current President. These ideas were prominent in the majority of the black people I have come across as they were generally against him to varying degrees. All of them revolved around the same “reasons”:

"He is a racist/sexist/misogynistic/etc. " because

"He doesn’t support Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ+, or some other minority group."

There are some reasonable gripes to be made against the President but the reasons typically given by those with a staunch bias are typical of low-grade rationality. Such is the case when your real agenda is fueled by nothing but hate versus rational ideas. I digress.

What I think of President Donald Trump is futile as to why I think it. Let us get something clear, the president is nothing more than a representative be it the highest one attainable. Yes, he pushes certain ideas forward but it typically is met with so much resistance that it either is outright rejected or it is edited into a lower form of itself that it dies before it reaches full fruition. It is the price one pays for being at the top, you are nothing more than their servant. Sure there are no whips or chains but instead, you are met with the growing need for approval because if that drops to low well…..
At any rate, the idea of being a good president is to stay out of sight and only speak publicly during a crisis or during a non-conflict event written text. Think of it like your relationship with your boss at your regular nine to five job. Generally speaking, if you hear from the boss too often there is a sense of urgency to the interactions “Am I in trouble? Are we in trouble? It sets off a panic. The adverse is that too many interactions cause too close a relationship in which you stop seeing the boss as a leader. This occurrence is a loss of success to varying degrees. This is what I think of president Donald Trump he is too popular in the public eye. Now let us return to the scenario of your job.

Does not the company fail if the chain of command is not respected? Even if it is a fraction of a difference there always is a decrease or a stagnation of growth that comes of such a snag in production. At either instance, time will work against the company's best interest. Would it not be a fair comparison to the relationship between citizens and their respective country? There has to be a degree of respect that must never be broached by either citizen nor their leaders for the safety and continued growth of their country. What I think of President Donald Trump runs along those lines. The President of the United States should be respected so far as he respects the interest of the people. If any empirical evidence of actions that are not becoming of the president such as traitorous deals, open rejection of American principles, or any other misuse of power deemed illegal by our agreed constitution, it should be dealt with exacting and judicial rationality. Otherwise, the outcome is destruction which only begets suffering to a depth you never thought possible.

I do not people even understand what effects their actions will truly have. It is much like a child who can only fathom a few moments into his future blinding him to the harsh realities of what could come. Sure he wants to eat candy until two in the morning but it can cause a stomach ache. Years of such behavior is equally out of touch as well. However, we understand that this kid is not fully developed and has not the cognitive abilities of a fully developed brain. As adults, we have no excuse as we possess the ability to broaden our scope of understanding. Do you not see the dangers that beget us behaving in this manner on a global stage? When you are so openly disrespectful to your leader you make it acceptable for any other nation or group to disrespect you. Of course, President Trump is not the first president to be ridiculed but we must admit this case is a bit overboard. The man has not had enough time to even make a grand mistake such as the Benghazi issue under former President Obama or Iraq under former President Bush. Yet the push for their impeachments was nothing compared to that of our current President nor the death threats. President Trump has already had one attempt during his candidacy in 2016 so another attempt occurring is not an unlikely possibility. It is one thing for this to be the work of those who do not belong to the country of that president but such a call for action from its own citizens while touting the inclusion of an ideology supremely opposed to the standard principles – it is the definition of dangerous. The idea of multiculturalism puts us in a weak state, ready for the conquering. The stage has been set and the powder keg has been so conveniently placed in the middle of it. The only thing needed is a torch and I worry exactly what it will be. Could it an impeachment of president Trump? Could it be the assassination of president Donald Trump? Could it be just an overflow of hatred by two of the many ideological sub-groups present in America at the time divulging into an all-out civil war? All three of these things are openly discussed on a daily basis by some sizable group of people. Their actions might seem justified for the cause but all of these possibilities result in the same outcome a loss of respect by other countries. It is an open invitation to respond to our vulnerabilities and utilize us for whatever one can desire. Just listen to any of these groups passing off these extreme ideas. They rarely have any detailed plans following their climatic achievement at most they hope to mold human nature to fit a goal only to find out that what they wanted they already had – stability. It is only gained by a competent structure and the respect for the structure by all citizens and their subsequent representatives.

Disagree with President Trump with the greatest of vigor, but never sacrifice the respect of the institution that you wish to be in charge of. You diminish your foe but you also tarnish yourself allowing for your own demise.


It is baffling how a Trump supporter can call for civility and respect with a straight face. Did you forget who you voted for?

Actually I have never taken part of any United States election cycle to include the 2016 presidential election. I did not forget who I voted for. I do not choose leaders as I do not desire to be lead. I just make observations and form my opinion accordingly.

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