[TIPS] How to pick up girls, A cheesy guide!

in #life8 years ago

I, like many people on this website, am an early to mid 20s, socially awkward, hopeless excuse of a man and like many men my age, I'm interested in women and having a girlfriend. Because of this I find myself spending a large portion of the day imagining how on earth I'll ever achieve this goal of a life long, loving relationship.

Now I've spent countless hours surfing the web and absorbing every bit of information I can that will help me progress in the game of love; This is a compilation of real, no bull advice I've stumbled across.

1. Actually talk to girls

For us shut-in, introverted thinkers this could possibly be the biggest hurdle; just F***ing do it. Whether it be approaching a girl at a bar, reaching out and starting a conversation over facebook, you will never get anywhere if you don't actually try. It's no good if you're just sitting around, waiting for her to approach you, odds are she has no idea you're into her; the subtle picture likes aren't your ticket to finding love, sorry.

2. Fake it 'till you make it

This is as much general life advice as it is dating advice . Do you often find yourself watching the man of a passing couple and thinking 'What does he have that I don't?'. Well more often then not, he doesn't have anything more, but he acts like he does. This isn't me trying to tell you to be cocky but there is a reason a lot of girls are in to the 'Bad guys'. It's not what they have, it's how they carry themselves.

My suggestion for this is to head on over to /r/redpill and have a good read. I can't say I agree with everything on there, but it's certainly a good read if you want to come out of your shell.

3. Go to where the girls are

This point leads on from the first one, get out the house. As scary as it sounds for people like us, go to a bar and talk to a girl. The internet is a wonderful place, full of information, entertainment and stupid health product advertisements; But quite frankly there are better ways to talk to girls. Besides, what better way is there to show them the confidence you've gained from browsing the redpill subreddit then in person, face to face.

Don't limit yourself to locations with alcohol though, there are plenty of places to meet girls. Take up a hobby and join a club that involves you leaving the house at least once a week to meet with a team; I would avoid computer/Technology related classes though, if your goal is simply to meet girls, maybe sign up for a cooking class?

4: Look after yourself

This is regarding appearance and it may seem incredibly obvious but it needs to be said. Look in the mirror, do you have dorito stains on your clothes? maybe your hair is sticking out in so many different ways it has created an entirely new shape. Do something about it, you wouldn't want to date that girl that hangs around smelling like armpit whilst wearing dirty, baggy clothes so why would a girl like you if that's how you are?. If you don't know where to start heres a list:

1: Get a haircut
2: trim/shave your face
3: make sure your teeth are brushed, not just before you go out somewhere but everyday (twice a day for the gold star)
4: invest in new clothes

That's just to name a few.

5: Be yourself, but the best version of yourself

So you've found a girl on tinder and have agreed to meet up with her. You've showered, brushed your teeth, done your hair, looked up as many guides on how to talk to women as you possibly could since the date was arranged and gotten dressed ready to go out.

Believe it or not the next bit might be the simplest, be your goddamn self. At the end of the day, everybody poops. She isn't some mystical being that you should be scared of, shes a girl and she wants to meet you. Conversation doesn't flow easily when you're anxious and too busy thinking what to say, be natural; if she likes you, you'll know and if not, onto the next girl!

Good luck :)

Thanks for reading as always this community is so great. This is a slightly different post to my others however its something i've started looking into because of recent events.


This is awesome! and so terribly funny! I'm glad you wrote this and it's so true. People just don't get out enough anymore. It's making it hard to find new relationships. They stay in their current one, Hoping that it will magically change to meet their needs but in reality they need to go out and find a new relationship all together.

i love that your article was funny yet insightful at the same time.

Thank you for such an encouraging comment! But yes, after a recent break up this was just the type of article i needed to make to remind myself of how everything goes.

thanks again :)

This is a very different style of tutorial then my last few but it needed to happen. I like girls :)

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