Why does the ATM sometimes fail to dispense? - An insight Into the Working of an Automatic Teller Machine (ATM)

in #stemng6 years ago (edited)
Hi great steemians! It is a pleasure welcoming you to my blog once again. It's been a while, yeah, but I never forgot you guys. I'm doing great and I trust you're too.

Three days ago, I had to run an errand for my uncle's wife who asked me to help her withdraw and send some cash to a business partner. I was initially headed for work but since the bank is along the way to my workplace, I didn't mind doing that before heading for the park (where I'd still have to queue for the bus).

On getting to the ATM stand, I was already worried on seeing the number of people on the queue knowing that I'll have to look for the best queue in terms of waiting time and average transaction time per user. But on getting near, I managed to find a queue where each user took an average of 3 mins to complete a transaction. So, I presumed that I'll only have to wait for about 30 mins before my turn. I waited on patiently pressing my phone to keep me busy.

After some 20mins, it was remaining just four people and I was happy to see that my guess worked. It was just one person more before my turn and the unfortunate happened! The ATM display screen read "Temporarily Unable to Dispense Cash"!

What? I couldn't believe my ears nor my eyes as the lady announced the issue! I wished I could enter the ground or break the machine.

First, I knew I can't return to my uncle's wife without completing the transaction for I could recall her telling the awaiting recipient that the transfer should be done in 3 hours at maximum.

Then, I never informed them at work that I would be late as I presumed visiting the bank with the whole computerized system in place shouldn't take more than an hour (I do resume work by 10 a.m anyway). I knew I am fucked if I don't find a way out.

I couldn't move to a new line because the queue was already longer than before and my line still had an inactive machine. I was so angry that I just have to wait on and see how it pans out!

Unfortunate, isn't it? I just was a victim at the wrong time!

So, this actually made me research about the ATM, its components, and operating mechanism and why all these errors happen!

Stay with me as I explain it

Wikimedia Creative Commons(Public Domain): Automatic teller machines

What is an ATM?

ATM is an acronym for "Automatic Teller Machine" which is a computerized telecommunication machine that provides real-time access to clients of a financial institution (mostly a bank) to their bank account in a public place without the need of the physical presence of the institution's representative. As mentioned, its use is not restricted to just banks as we have been seeing its installation in other public places like supermarkets, filling stations, restaurants and travel centers.

To use an ATM, the user needs to insert a plastic ATM card which has a microchip embedded in it which provides the user access to his/her account details. The card carries the user's unique details which are usually some numbers and other security credentials. The user is then required to enter a personal identification code (PIN) initially set for the ATM card and this prompts the account's access to the desired transaction.

Even though, these days, users can now withdraw money from their accounts without having to insert this card again. The technology has been improved to a point that generated codes from the bank can be put into the system to gain access to the account for the transaction.

The ATM has become a widely used device and have replaced the old stressful ways of banking that requires people to dedicate a day or more just because they want to withdraw using cheque or bank counter due to the number of customer and the relatively small number of attendants.

Anyways, that's what technology does!

How did we come about the ATM?

The world we live in is an advancing one. Each time a problem arises, scientist and innovators always try to find a way to annihilate it. Research and experiments follow conceptualization and we one day find a way out (though we don't find answers a time).

The concept of ATM was birthed from the need to get over the traditional way of waiting in the bank hall to retrieve the money and also the restriction of not being able to collect one’s hard-earned money while away from one’s parent bank.

Although there were previous models that have been designed to work in the same manner as the ATM, the conceptualization of the ATM is credited to Dan Wetzel a co-patentee while he was in the banking hall at the Dallas Bank waiting in line to withdraw money in 1968. He was at that time, the vice president of the product planning department at Docutel a company known for producing optical scanning equipment and has earlier developed a baggage-handling equipment.

He was wary of how much time he would have to wait before his turn. Along with co-patentee, Tom Barnes and George Chastain, the chief mechanical and electrical engineers, they developed a working prototype of the idea at Docutel and was patented in 1973. The first working ATM was recorded to be installed at a New York-based Chemical Bank on September 2, 1969, and they were quoted to say:

Our banks will open by 9 am and not close again!

The first modern ATM came in 1972 when the IBM 2984 was installed at Lloyds Bank, UK and many other series followed. The new ATM in operation is so sophisticated that credit transaction and cardless withdrawals are now possible.

Parts of the ATM

The part of the ATM machine as accessed by users can be divided into two; The input devices and the Output devices. The input devices are the part of the machines that the user interact with to initiate a transaction on the system while the output devices are those that process the data and get the "cash" to the user.

The input devices are; The Card Reader and the Keypad.

The Card Reader is the input device that captures the user's data from the ATM card that the user inserts to initiate a transaction. The card reader retrieves the user's data on entering the unique PIN connected to the account.

The card reader reads through the magnetic stripe (the microchip) embedded in the card and sends the user's data retrieved from the card to the server so as to validate and authenticate the user of access. The process in a more technical description involves the process where the card reader retrieves user information from the card, send to the host processor which routes the transaction to the bank's server.

The keypad, after card insertion begins the transaction process as it is used to enter the user's transaction pin after the card must have been read.

Usually, the user information - mostly the name would be displayed after the card has been read. The keypad is then used by the user to communicate the kind of transaction preferred, either a cash withdrawal, bank transfer or even account balance query. It acts as the receptor of the user's transaction instruction.

The output devices are; The Speaker, The Display Screen, the Receipt printer and the Cash Dispenser (best amongst them)

The speaker basically provides an auditory feedback to the user as he/she carries out the transaction. A female's voice is common amongst the ATM around guiding the user as he/she feeds in an instruction. This, however, might not be totally needed with a well-structured display system put in place.

Flickr- CC by 2.0: Display screen
The Display screen is usually a monochrome display, a color Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) display, or the color LCD display screen. This display screen is by far the most important part of the machine as it guides the user through every transaction. Every instruction even without the auditory feedback could be followed through a well-structured display which prompts the user through the whole transaction process.

The Receipt printer is another important part of the machine that provides the user the receipt of the transaction feeding him/her the update of his/her account after the transaction. I must say this printer is rarely used here (I can't remember me using it).

The Cash Dispenser, the heart of the whole ATM performs the majority of the whole "ATM function". It is usually described as the safe and cash dispensing unit that is made up of different mechanical units and high precision electrical sensors. The cash dispenser receives the transaction instruction through the system software in encoded words.

This is deciphered by the sensors that pick up the money from the safe, count the bill and initiate movement of the mechanical units which is majorly made of gear systems that move the money out in the specified denomination as loaded into the machine. The sensors are so precise that they monitor the thickness (in case of double notes) and condition (in case of bad notes) of the money to be dispensed before turning it out to the user.

The other part of the system that makes all these transactions possible and processable is the software which is the operating system of the machine. A vast majority of the ATM out there run on a Microsoft Windows operating system, common of which is the window XP (professional or embedded).

This operating system is the backbone communicating the whole transaction instruction to the bank servers through an internet connection and returns the instruction to the hardware which carries out the dispensing action. Later though, vendors are beginning to install later versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system like Windows 7 and Windows 8 (especially after Microsoft stopped support for Windows XP in 2014)

Linux, OS/2, Ecomstation, and the software that operate on XFS platforms like Triton PRISM, Intertech inter-ATM, Diebold Agilis EmPower and many more are the other software that is replacing the Microsoft Operating system for their lower risk feature and more programmable functions.

Types of ATM

The ATM is a data terminal machine that connects to a host processor to facilitate communication from the user to the bank server and back to the user. Most of the host processors can support either a leased-line machine or a dial-up machine. The two are just differentiated by their mechanism of connection.

The Leased-line ATM connect directly to the host processor through a point to point, four-wire dedicated telephone line while the Dial-up type connects to the host processor through a normal telephone line using a modem and a toll-free number or using a local access number dialed up by the modem through an internet service provider (ISP).

The major concept of connection is to the host processor which is just like the internet as it is the gateway through which all the ATM network becomes available to the user and make his transaction instructions processed. The leased-line machines are quite expensive than the Dial-up machines but they are preferred for high volume locations (like banks) while Dial-up is preferred for Merchant locations like supermarkets and related.

How does the ATM work?

The ATM is simply a data terminal that acts as an intermediary of communication between you and your bank. It communicates with the bank via a wireless broadband, phone lines or internet to allow you access your bank account from anywhere and get money dispensed to you. The ATM as earlier said is made of input and output devices that ensures the execution of this transaction.

On inserting the ATM card connected to your account - carrying wired information about your account on a microchip embedded in it, the card reader reads it and retrieve this encoded information. It sends this information to your bank, confirms your details and welcomes you.

Then, it asks for your PIN for authentication which is used to access your bank account information. Depending on the sent instruction, either a withdrawal request or account balance inquiry, the host processor receives it and sends approval code to the ATM to perform the transaction.

In case of account enquiry, the receipt printer receives the code and prints out the account balance, while if it's a withdrawal request, the cash dispenser receives this code and initiates the dispensing process which involves the electronic eye counting the notes as it exits the dispenser while the sensors monitor the condition and thickness of the notes been dispensed. If two notes are stuck or the note is mutilated, it is moved to the reject bin.

The transaction is recorded in the journal and sends the information to the host processor for an alert of the concluded transaction, either a successful or interrupted one.

So, why does the ATM fail to dispense a times?

Well, as we might have noted, the ATM is made of many parts before it delivers the function of cash dispensing. The errors generated by the machine either a stuck card or a failed cash dispensing arises due to the following reasons:

  • Wrong Denomination of Notes

The ATM machines are always loaded which a specified denomination. If we are users like me that targets the lower denomination because of "traders frowning to high denomination" when purchasing from them, you'll know well that some machines dispense a particular denomination.

So, in a case where the machine is filled with a wrong denomination, it corrupts the transaction, especially when the money is being counted. An error is being generated and the process stops. This most time gets solved by just waiting for another turn or an intervention by an administrator.

  • Out of Cash

This is another reason why the machine doesn't dispense cash. This is a common error generator and it usually lasts longer than any error. It gets eliminated when the ATM tray is being refilled and returns back to its normal operation.

  • Network or Power failure

Network failure is one of the unfortunate error generators. The admins most time are unable to control it and leaves everyone to wait till the network is in good condition. Power failure, which shouldn't be common but happens a time (especially in Nigerian banks) also cause a cash dispensing error. Once the power fails, the system is being reset and the transactions are paused generating an error to users.

  • Mechanical Glitch in the system

Another common problem that stops cash dispensing is a mechanical glitch in the system. It could be a rubber stuck on the gears or a shifted joint. All these can be faced while the machine performs its duty and would need the attention of an administrator to help fix the fault before it can resume work.

So far so good, how has the ATM helped?

It is needless to argue the extent to which the ATM has brought ease and more profit to the banking system. Unlike the long awaiting period of the past and frustration of congested halls, the ATM has gone a long way to making financial transactions smoother and easier. Even now, customers can now deposit money via ATM thereby eliminating the stress of queuing inside the banking hall. The advantages of ATM are numerous, some of it are listed below:

  • ATM reduces the work load of staffs
  • It provides 24/7 services to customers eliminating the wait for only weekdays transactions
  • It provides a quicker payment gateway for retailers
  • It is useful to travelers who need not carry cash around
  • It provides privacy in banking communications
  • It makes it possible to access one's account even from a different bank


The invention of the real-time system of operation of the ATM that allows user's access to their bank account from anywhere other than their parent bank has been a lift in the Banking industry. Customers now find banking easier and find it less stressful to save, deposit or transfer their funds.

Supermarkets, Filling stations, Cinemas and many other centers are now installing ATM stands so as to ease transaction and require less carrying of cash around which could be risky.

So, now, we know why the ATM fails to dispense a time. Just like I witnessed, it might have been one of the technical issues as the machine worked after approximately 15 minutes of the error. But, I was an hour late to work though (I wasn't queried either, I was always a good boy)


  • Salem S., M. Khalifa, and Kamarudin S., 2013 "The Formal Design Model of an Automatic Teller Machine (ATM)". University Sains Islam Malaysia, Faculty of Science & Technology, Bandar Baru Nilai, 71800 Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

  • Yazeed A., Yazidu U., and Ibrahim Y., 2013 "Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Operation Features and Usage in Ghana: Implications for Managerial Decisions". Journal of Business Administration and Education

  • Elprocus | How ATM works

  • Wikipedia | ATM

  • Infosecuritylive | Understanding Failed ATM

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I was waiting for a part that shows how to hack the ATM but i couldn't find. Dont be scared, i am not a criminal, i just like weird stuff.

Nice write up sir.

Sorry to dissapoint

I once used an ATM it didn't dispense after being on the queue for so long i was angry but as soon as the next person used it the person was able to withdraw.

It was quite annoying. I think the bank had issues with connection. Its nice reading why the ATM could at times not dispense even though you have cash in your account.

This got me

even though you have cash in your account.

That's the annoying part most times especially that we don't experience these errors while depositing.

Yes, network issues shouldn't take long...Unlike a mechanical glitch or an out of cash situation

Thanks for your comments, it's well appreciated.

I'm sure the first time we really heard about the operations of the ATM was when " next slide, faster , faster " .

I've always been intrigued about the way ATM works, I sure understand how it works now.

Good work bro , it was really enlightening.

Thanks for the warm comments

You are welcome bro

Shit happens :)

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Hello! I find your post valuable for the wafrica community! Thanks for the great post! @wafrica is now following you! ALWAYs follow @wafrica and use the wafrica tag!

Well written post. I remember those days, one of the major reasons for non dispense was unfit notes which, unfortunately, our central bank allows to stay in circulation. So the machine would attempt to count the notes the first time, finds two sticking together and drops it. It tries again and if the notes stick together again, the machine drops it all again. After the third time, the machine drops the notes and displays Temporarily Unable to Dispense.

Since the interconnecting entity (interswitch, in this case) has already debited the customer, there will be a case of error debit. I suppose that the ATM companies have figured a way to solve this problem because this form of dispense error seldom happens these days.

Keep steeming, Bro.

Thanks for taking time to drop this much insightful comments on my post. It is well appreciated.

Yes, I am quite a many time visit of this common error. As you said, the banks saw this problem becoming a recurring one and thus upgraded their system to perform an automatic reversal when there is such occurrence. They have also dedicated a section of the customer care guys to handle this kind of issue..We are still far behind in terms of bad note circulation but surely, it's getting better.

Thanks once again

Certainly. We jumped into this technology headfirst so the errors have to be encountered and resolved as we go along.

Thanks for your reply.

Rightly said

It's a pleasure having you around

It's unfortunate that most of the machines we have out here in Nigeria will not function at the needed time. No one is saying a machine will not get faulty but the issue here is too much.

There was a day I went to withdraw, and out of about the 7 machines only one was functioning. I had to wait because people confirmed that other places were not working. I was the ring leader against people who wanted to prove smart or beg to skip everyone on queue.

Unfortunately, a soldier man came. He didnt even beg. He just "I will like to withdraw, I am on duty". I never uttered a word because I have heard series of story about soldiers bully.

I hope in time, we can improve the service quality of ATM here in Nigeria.

Thanks for the knowledge shared.

LOL. Nigerian Soldiers! You did best to give in instantly..

Even yesterday, I was at the bank to withdraw and funnily, none of the 8 ATM was loaded with cash..I don't know if they will blame that on the workers' day but I believe we were promised a 24/7 operation. The situation is quite bad indeed. Hoping we would get to improve soon

Thanks for your comments. It is well appreciated.

You are welcome. Hopefully things will get better soon.

Yeah, hopefully

Nice writeup. I knew little about ATM but thanks to this article, I gained a lot. A well composed article, keep it up.

It's a pleasure. Happy I could impart.

Thanks for dropping by

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