Changing your mindset , get rich quick or get rich slowsteemCreated with Sketch.

in DTube2 years ago

"It's not about what you don't know. It's about what you choose not to know."
-Tony Robbins

In order to be successful in any field, it is essential to have a positive mindset. A positive mindset is the belief that one can achieve anything they set their mind to. Achieving success begins by recognizing our strengths and balancing our mindsets against the negative thoughts that hold us back.

For example, let's say you're a professional athlete and you're used to looking at your weaknesses as reasons why you can't win. If someone told you that your biggest weakness may be your lack of speed, would you believe them? Probably not. But if someone tells you that your biggest strength may be your willingness to learn and improve, then that could be something that could help propel you to victory.

By changing our mindsets, we can start to see success as an avenue open to us, rather than something that is out of our reach. When we adopt a positive mindset, we free ourselves from self-doubt and negative thoughts which tend to hold us back. And once we overcome those negative thought patterns, anything becomes possible."

So then ,If you're anything like me, you're always on the hunt for shortcuts. I mean, who wants to stand around stirring their food for hours on end? Not me! That's why I love my microwave- so easy and quick!

But then I started thinking about it... maybe steaming my food isn't so bad after all. It's not as quick, but it's certainly more healthy and less processed. Plus, if I steam something for a bit longer it can actually become really delicious- just like in a Wallace cookbook!

So now my answer to the question of how long to cook something in the microwave is "it depends"... on what I'm cooking and how long I want to spend cooking it. But overall, a microwave is much faster than a slow cooker- so if that's what you're looking for, go ahead and stick with your microwave!

The same thing can be said about getting rich

There is a significant misconception that "getting rich quick" is easier than "getting rich slow." In reality, both pathways to wealth require dedication and hard work. The key difference lies in how quickly you are able to achieve success. If you want to get rich quickly, you need to focus on strategies like investing in high-growth businesses or starting your own company. These options offer high returns quickly, but they also involve a level of risk. If you're not prepared for a potential DISSAPOINTMENT, these investments could result in considerable losses. Alternatively, if you're looking to get rich slowly over time, you can focus on building an expensive portfolio of assets that will provide consistent growth over time. No matter which route you choose, it's important to be mindful of the risks involved and make sure that you have the required skills and experience to succeed.

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