We, the Monkeywrench

We, the Monkeywrench
Claire Wolfe
Monday, July 18th, 2016

Today a convention begins in chaos, amid cries of law and order, that classic killer of freedom. Today, the media mourns three blue lives, as if the murder of armed agents of the state is worse than decades of police murders of the less politically protected.

Decades of unaccountable beatings and killings.

Decades of testilying us into prison.

Decades of stealing our possessions.

Decades of corruption.

Decades of militarization.

Decades of intimidation, thuggery, and abuse.

Decades of videos contradicting “official” stories.

Decades of creatures of government getting away with it, just because they are creatures of government.


Today the news is full of noise about the need to crack down, federalize crimes against cops, impose harsh minimum sentences, build walls against scary people, punish the innocent for the deeds of the guilty, curtail freedom, surveil everybody.

Today the media has all that it wishes to change the world: terrorism, attacks on state agents, and political rah-rah. Grand excuses for killing liberty.

Today the pundits predict that the fall of cops, if not checked with pacifying words and unyielding punishments, signals the fall of civilization. They don’t notice or care that the long rampage of the State vs the People was, and remains, the real engine of destruction.

Not just sending agents of state terror amongst us. But so much more.

Rescuing the rich and connected from the consequences of their crimes while leaving the working class to suffer.

Devaluing, year-by-year, the value of our money, our work, our education, our savings, our lives.

Disconnecting language from reality in hopes of deluding us into believing that tyranny is freedom, insanity is sane, diktats are “democratic,” and “democracy” is something higher than mere mob rule.

So much more. Such a long train of abuses.


And today, amid the rah-rah noise, the demand will be that We the People pay for it somehow. Pay again. Pay with submission. Pay with obedience. Pay with taxes. Pay with devalued currency. Pay with lives. Pay with tribute. Pay with halellujahs to the glory of the state. The demand will be that We the Abused, We the Angry, We the Fed Up will bear the burden of renewed statist dreams and statist orders. Once again. Bear the walls. Bear the laws. Bear the abuses. Bear the cameras. Bear the restrictions. Bear the wars (on whatever). Bear the blame for the deeds of others. Bear the responsibility for government actions over which we have no control. For our own good, so the will tell us. For freedom, its heroes, and the nation we love.


All the coming plans and demands of the state, however onerous, are the plans and demands of the weak.

They’re the plans and demands of the desperate. The plans and demands of those who feel power slipping out of their hands as they close their fists around us.

Those who don’t realize — or who want to pretend — that obedience isn’t citizenship.

That propaganda-numbed minds aren’t pillars of liberty.

That fear isn’t freedom.

That genuine power doesn’t need force to impose itself.


So today, despite state-and-media madness, be of good cheer.

Our would-be rulers are so laughably terrified.

And rightly so. Because even the illusion of control is slipping away from them now. And although truck-wielding terrorists and cop-killing ex-soldiers and Marines may be getting the focus, those are merely the canaries in a very deep, very dark, deeply toxic coal mine.

The state doesn’t fear eight dead cops or the dead men who killed them. The state doesn’t fear a truck plowing into a crowd at a fireworks display or a creep plowing through a crowd at a nightclub.

Ultimately, the state fears only one thing: those who see through its lies and its violence. Those who see its desperation. Those who lose their faith in its dogma or never had such faith in the first place.

Those who ultimately turn their backs and say no — if they say anything at all — thus throwing the biggest monkeywrench of all into the machinery of the state.

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