The Government is Ransomware for your Brain

in #borg8 years ago

One of the unfortunate developments in the digital age is the manifestation of a new type of computer virus know as Ransomware. The Ransomware is sent to the target computer and when this virus infects the target computer it encrypts the data on the hard drive making it unusable. A very professional letter is then displayed to the computer owner. It informs them their data has been encrypted for their “protection”. However if they do not pay the ransom payable in bitcoins in a short period of time they will lose their data forever.

Since I have been involved with Crypto-currency, I have had more calls than l want to count to sell people bitcoins needed to pay this Ransomware fee. Usually it is businesses that are targeted as most home users when hit with this virus, reload the operating system and kiss their pictures goodbye The price usually is about $700 worth of bitcoin. Once they pay the fee, a key is sent to the customer that allows them to return their computers to their unencrypted state. I hate going on these calls, because bitcoin is the most amazing technology to make the world a better place and yet for most of these people, this is their first exposure to it. The principle reason that bitcoin is used is because it is anonymous and the ransomware customer can not reverse the transaction once the key is received and the computer is unencrpyted.

So right now, I am using my computer just as you are as well, I go to my email and open an attachment and OMG now the computers all phuked up. The government “works” the same way. I am going along minding my own business, enjoying my life and along comes this violent criminal organization that places a virus on my brain known to most as “government”. This violent criminal organization, known as the BORG, just loves to get into my business and your business too, in fact your business IS their only business! Every time I want to do something, somehow without my permission I find I have to engage with the BORG. Everything they do is for RANSOM!

Everybody else in the 3 dimensional world generally operates by persuasion, being nice and offering choices and convenience. Through the laws of supply and demand they must add value to the transaction or they become obsolete. However this violent criminal organization doesn't operate like that at all. They operates through violence, threat of violence, kidnapping, theft, killing, fraud and RANSOM! I can only imagine how much more effective I could be as a salesman, if I could only lock my customers in a cage for a while, to persuade them into needing my product and determine for them what they need to pay for it.

Whenever I have to deal with these criminals I feel like I have gotten ectoplasm on me, like the goo they had on “Ghostbusters”. The only way to get it off, is to pay them a Ransom! At least with the Ransomware, once you remove it from your computer you only have to pay them once. With the government, they have set up a convenient system, for them of course, to keep getting payed over and over and over again. The government can be very very hard to get out of ones life. Every time you turnaround they want money and if your don't pay them, they hold you HOSTAGE!

I want to buy food and if your living in most of Arizona and my guess most of the United States and you have to pay a tax. If I don't doesn't want to give any sustenance to the state for the privilege of eating, too bad. I don't even have that as a choice even if I am not in favor of anything the government does. Why am I forced to pay state a Ransom, just so I have the ability to eat. when they did nothing to provide the food, package the food, transport the food, cook or sell me the food. Then the BORG forces the business owner through Ransom, who sells me the food, to be an agent of the state to collect money for the state and yet is the business owner who takes all the risk of being in business to sell me the food. The state adds nothing of value of what I want. What does the state do provide for all of this: Ransom to every individual involved in the supply chain and they take zero risk. The ability to provide sustenance for my body is a basic human right and I am forced to pay a ransom to this insane group of sociopaths to exist.

I want to go from one place to another on the 3 dimensional world, well the world is kinda big if you haven't noticed and the car was invented. Not wanting to use a horse to get around, plus a car is more convenient, faster and so forth. I am successfully able to gather enough assets through the fruits of my labor in the world to trade that accumulation of labor in the form of federal reserve notes sometimes called “dollars” to someone selling the car I want. Now comes the group of sociopathic criminals dat da da, “You have to pay us a Ransom in the form of registration and title so you can travel on the right of way sometimes called a 'road' with your property, the car". In addition they insist, I must pay a Ransom to make sure the car does not pollute the air more than is allowed by the group of sociopaths.

And the criminals are also in bed with another group of retailers known as the “insurance companies”. This cartel is conveniently set up a system with the sociopathic criminals, where I am forced to pay a Ransom to them EVERY MONTH for the privilege of traveling on the right of way. Somehow, the insurance company places a shield of money around me if I damage someone and another sociopath, a judge, decides I am at “fault”. Better yet, if I don't pay this monthly Ransom, an armed group of THUGS, known as “police” can scan my license plate and want to charge me Ransom for the privilege of paying the criminal sociopaths for not having enough money to pay for the insurance in the first place. And if I am lucky enough to have my car towed for no insurance, I am also charged Ransom to the police for a letter to give to the tow company along with more Ransom to the get my property back.

This doesn't even include having to pay a Ransom to get a Drivers license. If I want to ride a horse or bike, I don't need one. Somehow this group of sociopathic criminals decided without my consent, if I want to transport my body with my property, which is a basic human right, something that human beings have done for thousands of years, when that property has a motor on it, I have to pay the sociopaths a Ransom.

I want to work and use my labor to produce something of value in the world. When I contract with someone who is willing to use my labor and pay me for that labor, again the sociopaths are there. I am forced to pay a Ransom to another criminal organization known as the IRS. Many of us were tricked into this scam at a young age in order to get a job. Now you don't have to wait to get your first job to get your Slave Security Number, you get one when you leave the hospital. You need to get a Slave Security Number to apply to get the Ransom the IRS stole as the result of labor. The ability to use my labor is a basic human right, yet I have to pay the sociopaths a Ransom for it.

I need a dwelling to live in to protect my body from elements. Now here in Arizona there are not a bunch available caves to dwell in. I can purchase property with the accumulation of my labor and find someone who is willing to sell it. I want to build a home on my property like Adam Kokesh is doing and the BORG agent wants to charge him Ransom! Building a home on my property is a basic human right, yet I have to pay the sociopaths a ransom for it.

I want to use a plants that change my consciousness like Cannabis, Mushrooms, Peyote, Ayahuasca and if caught possessing these special plants, I will be forced to run through a legal maze and in the end there will be a Ransom! The ability to change consciousness is a basic human right, something humans have done for millenia and I have to pay a Ransom!

How did the sociopaths develop all this Ransomware? Very simple, Through monopoly on violence, the BORG granted itself the ability to create money. The money became the carrot and they use the money to hire the thugs as the stick to “persuade” those people who where uninterested in the carrots. Domestication of animals has been done for thousands of years, the BORG has had a long time goal of domestication of the human population. Dumb them down, let them believe they are free. We're free as long as we follow every one of our 50 million incredibly complex laws.

You will get an education system that beats the critical thinking out of our children. A media that elects Trump or Hillary, you think your vote matters? We are free as long as we pay the Ransom! Then we get squeezed tighter year after year. Take their weapons, make them all lawbreakers. Yep, we are in a free country, that is why we have more people incarcerated than any other country on the planet. And the swarms of zombies will turn their cell phones over to Niantic to play Pokemon Go.


Brindleswan feeling proud to have brought you on board to Steem. Post a link to this over at the Steem Slack channel, and if you attend the next Mumble Beyond Bitcoin hangout, that is also a great place to get the attention of one or more of the anarchist whales. Now I just have to take my own advice.

Such a great post! Eye-opening analogy between ransom and government you brought up. Keep on with the great work! This world needs more people like you who speak the unfiltered truth!

Good one. Enjoyed it.

I cringe when "Anarcho Capitalists", "Voluntarists", "Libertarians" etc... Define Government as a Violent Monopoly of Force Exerting Force.

A voluntary agreement by an overwhelming majority to exert force on individuals who choose to initiate force, fraud, or coercion IS A VIOLENT MONOPOLY OF FORCE EXERTING FORCE.

Government enforces "Rules"
Bad Government stems from Bad Developers

Why would you "cringe" when people accurately describe exactly what the government does. Government is FORCE that is all it is. Life presents us with 2 types of organizational structures. The most common is the consensus based model where all decisions are voluntary. The consensus based on persuasion and offering choices, where one of the choices is to not perform or opting out. For example, we have 3 people in a group and the first person wants to have hamburgers, the second wants chicken and the third wants vegan. The first 2 decide to have hamburgers and the 3rd decides to not eat with the other two.

The challenge with the consensus based system is as it grows, power consolidates and moves into a the second kind of organizational known as the hierarchical model.

This Hierarchical system is a pyramid / chain of command structure where decisions are made for you and you are compelled or forced to perform. The larger the group the more you are forced to perform or obey. This group eventually gets so large you loose the ability to opt out, known as the BORG. For example is it possible to work without paying Tribute (tax) to a third party in the form of income tax or travel in a car without drivers licenses(contract with the state), license plates (tax), registration (tax), insurance (extortion to a private company) or do something human beings have done for THOUSANDS of years; consume a plant that alters your consciousness in the form of Peyote, Ayahuasca, Cannabis or Psilocybin without having to be concerned about a sociopathic criminal with some kind of uniform wanting to kill you, kidnap you, lock you in a cage and steal your possessions and your children?

I am proud to say I have never voted to have my life to be dictated by this insane group of criminals. Their "rules" are there for one reason to protect the BANKS, and to protect the system. The Banks own the government. The government treats the population like a group of SLAVES. The system uses majority rules and voting to protect the status quo and to continue to create problems only "they" ie. the BORG can fix; therefore, perpetuating the system they created. And even thought the system is severely broken, most people will defend that system.

Further less than half the population bothers to "vote" and most races are less than 10% difference between the winner and looser. The majority is about 1/4th of the population, how can be called any kind of "majority"?

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