
Ahh... Sorry... Saw this now.... Yea.... my go to implementation is usually the client factory cause of a plethora of advantages that it offers with maintaining the connection pool without causing a resource utilization spike... But the other comment that I shared should also work if you do decide to go with it. Plus, on the client side, a normal httpclien should work just fine and in most cases the client factory is an overkill😅

Ok, so the one project is basically completed. Also not to good on UI but does not look to bad on a computer browser or when mobile turned landscape.

My problem now is with analysing the data. In order for that I need to bring in all the data rows. Been trying now for 2 days to map data into classes, tried Automapper but then realised the source is an different object. The tried using reflection .
Tried looking for similar JSon data examples but could not found.

There are to many tables to write each one individually .

Do you perhaps know of any place I can look for an example?

Unfortunately nope. Not aware of it yet.

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