in #howto7 years ago (edited)

Have you ever wondered why it has been hard for you to keep staying motivated and inspired to continue the pursuit of your Dream, Goals and Life’s Desires? Well the truth is that there are a lot of reasons why we stay unmotivated each day and this could be as a result of Negative words received from friends and loved ones, Rejection, Failed plans, Emotional chaos, Health issues, Mental and Spiritual imbalance and many other factors.

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In this world where it is now easy to get depressed or unmotivated due to the quick changes around us, especially from the news industry and social media, it is necessary for one to learn ways to stay motivated at all times no matter the situations surrounding such fellow; to enable him or her have the required Willpower to engage in activities that drags he or she closer to their Goals.

Is motivation necessary? Yes it is. See motivation as the fuel factor in a car. Without enough fuel, a car is expected to act below its capabilities. The car’s performance would be low or at least below average. Is it therefore important that one should have an internal driving force that can them to do the necessary things that would push them in the direction of their desired lifestyle.

If I gave you a pill and told you it was going to give you the right mindset and will power to do the things you have to do to start seeing remarkable results in your life, won’t you take it?

Making this quick, let’s briefly touch three ways to stay motivated and at the top of your game in 2018;


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To start learning how to be motivated and passionate at all times, you would first need to learn how to be Grateful. Being grateful at all times keeps you on the positive lane of life. If you are happy for the things you have, the things you have achieved, where you are in your success ladder, who you are and who you are becoming, the people you’ve met and the places you have been to, if you are truly grateful for these things it would be hard to stay unmotivated.

Don’t you notice how energized and capable people tend to behave when they are Happy? Happy people tend to express their Happiness most times by doing more of what makes them happy. That is the Secret to doing more work

Imagine Ice cream makes you happy; would it be possible to feel depressed or unhappy while hanging out with your friends at a Fast food centre of ice cream vendor? The truth is that chances of you not being happy or motivated would be low.

To stay motivated at all times, learn how to be Grateful and happy for everything around and within you. Also be grateful for the things you’ve accomplished so far.


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One of the biggest killers of motivation could be the thought of starting. A lot of people dream really BIG and dreaming Big is never always the problem; the real problem is always the fear of initiating that first move towards the Big Dream because they feel the Big Dreams need Big steps. That is wrong mentality.

When starting out on a new journey, it is idealistic to always want to start within your power, reach and capacity. The idea is not to do things sluggishly but rather to do things that your capacity can afford to do. Just start small and when once you become a bit comfortable with the process, just take yourselves out of that comfort zone. This is how to grow.

There is a popular saying that the Journey of a Thousand miles begin with a step but I strongly believe that the step isn’t really the first move. The first move for me is that DECISION to even take the first step.

If you are ever going to stay motivated during your course, always remember that doing things Step By Step would actually help you feel better. It is easier to be unmotivated and tired when you try to joggle too many things because it can disrupt your mental, physical and emotion strength. If you want to start a fitness programme for instance, it is really good to have a solid picture of your ideal shape, body weight and size but also learn to be realistic that it would certainly take time before you get to that point. So start from the little you can do and build momentum.
The best way to keep exercising everyday would be to do what is within your power to do knowing that soon you would be able to do more than your current capacity and see more result on your Body and Health.


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Now a lot of people have the habit of quitting, being tired or despair whenever things don’t go as planned in their Goal pursuit. You certainly would not be successful in 2018 if you keep quitting, complaining or staying unmotivated as you used to do in the previous years.

One of the easiest ways to keep staying motivated is to remember why you started what you are doing in the first place and to always remember the prize or benefits of achieving that feat to you. Before you quit jogging, remember how unfit you have always been and how great it would be for you to have a great body and good health. If you are studying on making more money or trying out some investment plans for your future, before you let the depression of things not working out as planned get to you, remember how broke or financially weak you are and focus on how your life would be for you to have an extra source of income and live the lifestyle of your Dreams; The financial freedom lifestyle.

It would be quite difficult to always feel lazy, unmotivated or depressed when things aren’t going well if you actually keep your visions and dreams in front of you. What got you into the journey in the first place was the ‘Prize’ attached to the goal, so to keep being in the process you must keep looking at the goal.

A popular person once said

"Obstacles those things that you see when you take your eyes off the goal"

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So in 2018, pursue your Dreams tirelessly and accomplish each of your goals by staying Motivated at all time. I wish you the best.


Nicely written and quite inspiring as well. Big ups bro

Thanks gee. Good to see you here

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