Who am I and why am I here?

Hello Steemit!!

My name is Trevor or Mordekai Moriarty.
I am an avid gamer, career cook, husband and constant learner!

I graduated from SAIT for my diploma in Professional Cooking, I was a server through my collage courses, and now I am managing a little kitchen in Red Deer, working on getting my Red Seal in cooking.

I am passionate about about money, finances, planning and goals, and cannabis. I was raised in a family with a single mom and distant father, both of which were not great with money, inherited some real bad habits early from them with spending, but overall grew up to be a very curious and ever evolving person. Being in a very conservative family i grew up with the beliefs that all drugs no matter their intended purpose are bad, money creates evil people and is inherently evil, and that living pay check to pay check was normal. Growing up I never questioned things and by the time I finished collage I believed I knew how everything worked. Until I didn't.

Since beginning my adult life with my high school sweet heart in June of 2013, 1186118_10153246877850154_2135896525_n.jpgI have come to learn that older adults in general do not know much more than the young adults, aside from the life lessons in which they learn the hard way. I began to see things that didn't make sense to the way I believed and I began questioning things like why do some people around me have more money than me despite working at the same job with roughly the same pay? Now at this time in my life I was a 2 pack a week smoker, drove 100km a day to work and back, ate out constantly, drove a new vehicle, and I couldn't figure out why my non-smoking, walks to work everyday, eats out once a month, doesn't even own a car co-worker could afford to travel once a year for an all inclusive vacation. Stupid me right?? So one night I'm out for wings, my friend starts talking about this blogger, Mr. Money Mustache, and this whole concept of Financial Independence Retire Early, or more commonly seen as FIRE. After a couple times of him talking about this I decided you know what, maybe I don't need to live paycheck to paycheck, maybe I can, even if it's just get a hundred dollars in my account at the end of the month, change my spending a little bit. Oh man. After getting obsessed with this and many many late nights, I was able to build a solid plan of action. One year later, here I am, I currently have $1k in credit card debit paid off the end of the month, $6800 invested in cannabis stocks, and the only debt I am carrying is $6500 in student loan debt @5% interest and my car loan which should be paid off at the end of this year!

I am not quite sure what kind of shape I want this blog to take, I honestly not too sure about anything these days, but I will be starting with things that I am passionate about, things like Cannabis, Finances, Philosophy, and hopefully they can impact you as a reader and better your life in some little way!

Thank you for reading this far! I don't really do social media, but you can find me at Trevor Hoffart on facebook, MordekaiLoL on Twitter, or Mordekaimoriarty on instagram! I hope to make some really cool guides through investment knowledge or things you should know, financial planning, and what exactly cannabis is what why you shouldn't judge it too harshly now a days!


Welcome to the platform. Nice to meet you as well. We happy to have you here!

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Continue doing good post.
Kind Regards,

Hello @mordekaimoriarty welcome to steemit. May you have a wonderful journey here.

Hello mordekaimoriarty! Welcome to Steemit! Hope you'll like the community here. As a start, here are 5 tips that we believe will be helpful to you:

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Welcome to steemit

Welcome to the party! Hope you enjoy Steem as much as I do!

Welcome, mordekaimoriarty! Best wish to you for a very wonderful journey here on Steemit!

welcome to steemit my friend. LEASING OUT YOUR STEEM POWER is one technic that I advice you to use, More STEEM power translates to: Posts ranking higher on the Steemit platform and a higher payout on comments and blog posts. There’s a real incentive to have as much STEEM Power as possible. Therefore, people who do have a lot of it, capitalize on this need by leasing it out to other people. However, it should be noted that you can either acquire a large amount of STEEM power organically, through everyday interactions on the Steemit platform, or you can purchase it with fiat currency. Regardless of which method you decide to choose, STEEM power is an important component of the Steemit platform.

Welcome and I can't wait to watch you grow. If you need any help by all means hit me up. If you have discord as well that would help!

But welcome and let's blaze it!

Hi, welcome to steemit. I’m a big cannibis supporter even though I can’t afford much right now, hopefully this steemit helps me with that. I just started like 2 weeks ago and there’s just so much to learn. Welcome

Hey there mordekaimoriarty! Welcome to steemit. You seem like a pretty open minded and interesting individual, it's good to see you learning from your environment and sort of getting past some of the illusions in society. I think that's super important. Unfortunately a lot of people never do and some people will think things like marijuana are bad until the day they die. But hey.. Thanks to technology it does seem like things are improving in some ways! :) Hopefully that continues.

A little advice I might offer is to check out some of the games and contests on here to help you earn some extra cash, meet new friends and help you think of things to make blog posts about. There's quite a few good ones. I can't help but pitch the fact that I host a fun contest with a support community that challenges people to do different subjects and sort of go on quests and level up and also I suggest checking out the tags #newbiegames and #newbieresteemday as to help you get started more as well.

If you have any questions about anything please let me know and I'll do my best to help you! And if I don't have the answer, I might be able to find someone who does. :) Good luck here on steemit!

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