Crypto Academy | Season 4 Week 5. Homework Post for |@kouba01| - JustSwap by @moohsin

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)



1 Present the Just Swap platform in your own way, demonstrating its importance within the Tron ecosystem blockchain.

Introduction Towards JUSTSWAP

JUSTSWAP is commonly advanced by decentralized exchange protocol (DEX) and attested by liquidity providers linking with TRON which enhance liquidity mining for decentralized projects and collectively in a organized structured, where users can exchange TRC20 tokens. Although they provided a safety core and smooth process where the users can actively engage in the process of exchanging tokens and acquire benefits by getting liquidity fees and the tokens swapping fees are impending in protocol.

As far its AMM (automated market maker) protocol though it values the traders to lock their assets and engage in the process of above liquidity protocol forthcoming fees affairs . You might heard the word liquidity provider these were known as the Market maker who were engaged in a process of tradable assets held in exchange looking forward to make good profit on bid-ask spread junctions and they assumes it as a cool profit. This course of action are done in several exchange. So there earning is generated by locking up their assets on behalf they collect fees from protocol with pure safety and transparency paid by other traders by the emerging process of swapping and much more mains swapped are TRC-20 tokens. There fees are not so expensive and about 0.3% they charge which distributed among liquidity providers.


Means and functionality

The functionality is based on the equation X•Y=K method, its derived equation which can accumulate you about assets price which makers or drawers orginate in protocols. The process we discussed above as you all know the the fees citation which includes the means of liquidity providers also and provide true and clear picture of your profit by using this equation although about 0.3% is the ratio settled by the name of trading fees (we will conquer it in below question i will made easy to build your concepts by the helps of screenshot) by swappingTRC20 same process ot remember fees impending in protocol than distributed among the liquidators in the form of your reward.


JUSTSWAP Importance towards traders

Justswap maintained some junctions in means of constructive confluences towards traders so lets build them in bullets points for better understanding.

Elimination of tri party:

✓ The platform offers the users to attains full access towards their assets and substantiate the traders authentic elimination of third party.

Tokens Availablity and beneifts:

✓ Justswap enhances the tron blockchain transaction with avouching with smart contract affirming the deposit of market maker to get liquidity beneifts. The platofrm intensify the traders to swap many tokens like TRX ,USDC ,SUN ,SUNOLD ,NFT ,BTC ,WBTC ,ETH ,JST and WIN etc..

Smart verification process:

✓ Traders ain't need any KYC verification or other verifications you can just connect the exchange and do your means of transaction.

Although by connecting with TRON* ecosystem there would be short indentation will held which build to access some security for users. Whilst these wallets are also used to pay against tokens.

Approach towards decentralization:

✓ The platform performs the immutable and propagate functions where they apparently designed first decentralized exchange with TRON NETWORK though providing the users fast and opportune speed and smooth transactions. Thats what decentralized means to attract users. This also emerge the users to experience healthy rewards.

Security and affirmation:

✓ The platofrm cohere apportioned security timelines where the smart contracts activated and bears the risk for traders by the traceable activity on different platforms engagement thus comoleting the management of transaction with clear nodes in between secrutiy audits. The link is source of pdf where the audit trails are traceable easily.


2 What tokens does JustSwap support trading? How is the price of a JustSwap token determined (how it works)? Use an illustration to explain it.(screenshot required)

Supportive Tokens

Justswap handles many smart and healthy tokens which ultimately provides many traders good returns as by virtual currency the platform suited experiences traders with good outcome of their assets. The tokens worth 0.957$ which you can calculate easily by the justswap investment portfolio by staking you can use this website for return on your investment and how much tokens are there for stakes link.

Howbiet you can get both type of opportunity of stable and un stable coins though some times hype coins are also list in just to staked lets make some practical approach for getting the address and coins names by clicking link

Step :1

✓You can see the total tokens locked up in exchange which us $ 1,419,627,000.


Step :2

✓ Tokens which us seen below are;


Step :3

✓Tokens which seen below are;


Step :4

✓ Tokens which seen below are;



Determining the price of just swap token and its working

Practical approach of price and Working:

I will illustrate you this by demand and supply approach which is the best way to determine the elasticity of price of Justswap and implementation of mathematical equation **X•Y=K;

X= determine the token largely increase in price

Y= determine the token largely decrease in value

K= K represents Constant

The trading fees is 0.3% reward for liquidity providers and impending in a protocol where all the transactions fees are accumulated and consequently distributed among traders.


Assume the above diagram i made where the X is TRC-20 token and Y is TRX whilst increasing the price of token X will decrease the value of token Y and K is constant.

As per equation the tokens are ratio if 1:1 attempting demand and supply rule increase price of one asset ultimately decreases the price of other vice versa

This increases the ratio of Token A (TRC-20 token) to available Token B (TRX) on the paired contract. Whilst the (AMM) LIQUIDITY MAKER of price is also seem whilst the where the value increases by increasing the supply causes downward movement of price action thus increasing supply will decrease demand and k where the liquidation remains constant.



3 How do I connect my wallet to Is there a mobile app? (Screenshots needed).


4 Include a real example of your interaction with Just Swap, demonstrate how you can trade on the platform. (screenshots required)

Connecting Tron link with Justswap

I will apply the trading cycle with the help of my app of TRON TRONLINK, here you can easily get access towards justswap. Whilst using browser you can imply this through extension website by clicking the web i paste it.

As per question there is not any mobile app but it is attested with tron link exchange where you can get the junctions of justswap easily.

Management of justswap with TRON link

Download the wallet of tron where you can follow the following steps to accomplish the justswap strategy.


✓Click on the discover option and there you will lead towards Justswap app.



✓ There you can see the Justswap app and apply them app and from where you can imply them.



✓ The addres and wallet has been connected and my tron link wallet address is shown below screenshot.



✓ Confirmation you can click on account for prove.


You can follow above steps to roll towards justswap and connect them easily with your Tron link wallet.
Note: i will demonstrate same sequence of step like starting from step : 5 ain't confuse, for making my work in one flow


Interaction with Justswap

Now lets elaborate the pool and liquidity process with affirmation of transaction use above method to initiate the process easily in few steps. Continue











Transaction Done for pool





5 Include a real example of your interaction with Just Swap, explain How to add liquidity to JustSwap. (screenshot required)

Adding liquidity by Justswap

The question below totally based on practical approach so the screen shots below and simple and easy to derived the liquidation by using Justswap you can use the following approach to get liquidity are as follows;













Transaction Done for liquidity



Justswap (DEX) one of the most significant part of blockchain technology and best for virtual assets to trade by liquidity makers, though they are one of the finest and named cooling profit zones for traders by locking up their assets in liquidity makers and earned rewards by the transaction fees in impending protocol systems we all are familiar in above lecture.

Though one of the most important attributes which i like most are two things first you can easily update your account by tron link and connect it easily second there is elimination or third party, which traders one desires it the most important aspects of trading. Although by investing in just swap the it reduces the risk and encourage the rewards and tension free profit is acquired by traders.

Professor @kouba01 thanks for providing such a intellect and beneficial lecture which not only diversified our knowledge but we invested in it by practical approach for meaningful profit.
The professor always decides and chooses best lectures for us, to take initiate in making post by price providing easy concepts and illustrating true understanding with topic. Which i like most and thats why i never ever missed any of his homework.

My understanding, is clear and crystal about homework home you guys understand my means and post thanks for reviewing.





Hello @moohsin,
Thank you for participating in the 5th Week Crypto Course in its 4th season and for your efforts to complete the suggested tasks, you deserve a Total|8.5/10 rating, according to the following scale:

OriginalityCompliance with topicConsistency of methodQuality of analysisClarity of structure & language

My review :

Good work in general, you were able to answer most of the questions efficiently, but what is missing from the work is a clear methodology in writing, which made you move from one idea to another without linking.

Thanks again for your effort, and we look forward to reading your next work.

Thank professor you always response me a motivated feedback with healthy rating, i wil not let your motivation down and will try my best in further assignments.


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63099.62
ETH 2555.59
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.83