Self love is setting yourself as priority.

in #inspiration7 years ago (edited)

We give away the bits of our heart so quickly. You shared it to a high school friend.
You devour your lunch with her even you have nothing enough for yourself. To the person you haven't meet yet, but you stayed up until morning, talking through the phone with lies that just popped into your head from the moment he asked for more stories about you. Then.. you realized your life was not that interesting and you can’t share something that could bores his interest towards you. You’ve made up a different version of your life. Far from the reality of truth. You lied for others to accept you. That’s how easily you gave up yourself. You let them wrecked you in their own favor. But little did you know how often you devote your heart to you before giving it to others? Your heart is spacious but you always forgets to commend a room for your own delight. I noticed that the labels we give to ourselves are often negative. And we give the most wonderful ones to others. Full of emotion and praises. I wish one day you'll give your heart to you. Even your family disagree, your religion and your own beliefs disapproved you. You will give your heart to yourself for once in a life time you felt doing what is right. You will not lie and embrace the authentic. Stand up against the odds. Just give your heart to you darling.. Still willing to share shreds of you with others but the main goal is giving the most to yourself.

Just love yourself first.. before everyone else.


It is, after all, the greatest love of all. And only when you love yourself will you be able to give out the best kind of love to others too.

This is such a deep truth and it's often a hard learned lesson at that. You have a poetic way about your writing, come and join in on the poetry challenges. :)

You need to love yourself first before loving others.... That's the true mantra in relationships as well

Preach! 😙 Everything will follow if we start to love our selves first.

Taking care of yourself first is definitely an important thing to do that a lot of people can easily overlook, I know I've been there for sure

Yas! Loving yourself first can stop people from manipulating you

Love this sis!

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