Once Upon a Time ~ The Surreal World of a Pandemic


When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
I Corinthians 13:11

I have been amazed at the lack of self control that folks are exhibiting during this time of social crises that the Wuhan Virus (Covid 19, Corona Virus), and the Manipulation of the Communists in China and socialists around the world have accomplished in spreading , hiding, covering up and manipulating the information surrounding it.

It could be that folks simply could not believe that the problem was as big as it turned out to be, but then how in the world could folks on Steem, myself included, have found out some much information so early on and folks in municipalities and counties and states in America could have been so blind?

Then there are the delusional charismatic types like Rodney Howard Brown and Kenneth Copeland who have misrepresented what the Bible actually teaches on so many subjects; including , but not limited to, who God is and what qualifies as the actual Word of God. With their special revelations from their angels of light they have deceived; and are being deceived with the fruits of unrighteousness, and now in their whacked interpretations of invulnerability by faith they are killing people.
https://www.christianpost.com/news/43-people-fall-ill-at-illinois-pentecostal-church-after-revival-10-test-positive-for-coronavirus.html "
The Life Church of Glenview, said at least 43 of the approximately 80 people who attended a March 15 service at their church have fallen ill and everyone who has been tested for the new corona-virus has come back positive for the virus "

Then there are Dolts such as Rodney Howard Brown in Florida:

and then there is this False prophet:

Not to be outdone, the Ultra Orthodox have decimated their own people around the world with a combination of Orthodox Uber Allis and Spiritual Vanity.

In East Jerusalem on the 17th of February, a Mass event held at the Western Wall to stop coronavirus epidemic failed to do so. But as you can see in the news, many of the ultra orthodox and cult like "Christian" communities still to this day disregard all calls of social distancing as well as simple common sense; and in so doing are, unfortunately but predictably, causing the name of God to be blasphemed among the heathen.

23Thou that makest thy boast of the law, through breaking the law dishonourest thou God? 24For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written.. Romans 2:24-25


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