
thankyou very much I will try to improve my publications

Can you be more creative vs " Gridcoin " for the subject/topic of your posts. This way you will get more people to click and read your posts , I know personally if the poster was lazy and doesn't put a mild description or topic I will skip right over it , the poster obviously did not care to take the time to properly post a comment/story/picture ( like this post ) and it would normally be something I skip over.. I can only explain it like this , if you goto a website to look at porn you are likely to click on what ever category on a site per what ever fetish or interest and you are not just going to click " porn " so steemit for example this post vs just " Gridcoin " " Animated Gridcoin Chessboard GIF I made " unless you are embarrassed of your post or art or creation... This way not only do you get more clicks and upvotes but you actually help the Gridcoin community by people clicking your posts.. Hell you have the tags all good with gridcoin , boinc , crypto and bitcoin so you seem to know what you are doing you just can't seem to properly label the topic/subject. I see there is an older post that is pretty much the same thing and I wrote this before actually looking at " " just to see your history of posts and every single one is a single word or letter. If you truly are trying to post in order to help Gridcoin let alone contribute I assume you want your posts read and up-votes so I honestly am trying to help. Myself I have the opposite problem and its hard for me to make short topic/subjects and you can't seem to make them informative and long enough. Maybe you don't care , I don't know but since you are one of my team mates I thought I would try to help.. You can tell me to F-off and just don't click your posts if I don't like it but since you take the time to post I thought or would think you would like as many viewers as possible especially if there is actually useful content and contributions to the community. Remember we are all equal , you , me , mods/admins of discord and @operators on freenode irc and we all represent a team and community and being lazy or ignorant reflects on the team as a whole.. ( I am not calling you ignorant , especially if you take my advise and the extra 10-30 seconds it might take to properly format your posts if you actually are meaning to contribute and promote to the growth of Gridcoin )

thankyou very much I will try to improve my publications I cared to design and forgot writing I am sorry :(

I am sorry but I did forget to say that you did a great job on this animation for Gridcoin. Since there is a folder in the community github repo for artwork you may want to consider contributing to the Gridcoin advertisement art along with any promotional or general art for us as a community to use in social media along with any Gridcoin websites etc. You seem to have a talent for art especially 3d rendering of animation such as this post. I would like to see some of your artwork go beyond steemit and used on websites.

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