
Very Interesting photo @molometer , I will follow you <3

Thanks, glad you found it interesting.

I LOVE repeating patterns!!! Thats an outstanding shot! I wish I had taken it LOL!!!

Thanks Paul, I'm pleased with this shot too and I literally got it on the fly on my way out of the Burj Khalifa.
It kind of just called to me. I liked it immediately.

wow this is really amazing this building is one of the greatest in the world, thanks for your shot.

Thanks, do you really think so?

WOW!! That's awesome! Love the composition and the sleek look!

Thank you so much @shadalene I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Thanks Melinda, I really like it too. 3.30 a.m. time to snooze.
Bona note.

very beautiful building @molometer thank you for sharing the day you are always successful friends

Thank you Putra, it is beautiful.

Dubai certainly has some incredible modern architecture to witness; some of which are becoming quite unmistakable :)

Dubai is an architects dream city and it is definitely on the world map for innovative design. So many stunning buildings and no expense spared.

I like the reflection of the sun, gives some warmth to the steel and glass.

True, it definitely gives a warm glow compared to the crisp lines on the left side of the image.

ahan its really nice <3 :)

Thanks Jane.

:) my pleasure

Fabulous capture of interesting architecture!

I learned everything about photographing architecture from my son. He's a professional in this field.
His work has won many awards.

That’s great! I studied architectural photography at college. It was back in the days when it was all done with large format cameras. Is your son with a professional photographers’s association in the UK to win awards? I belonged to several for years.

He is involved with many groups in London recording the changing cityscape. London history project in Docklands.
The Architects Journal featured his work recently.

Very interesting work!!

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