
That’s good to know. It’s likely some time off yet, but we intend to make our next car purchases either hybrids or fully electrics. My son is lobbying for a Tesla.

Tesla is a good idea from what I understand. Once you buy it you get free electricity to recharge it for life. Don't quote me on that but that is what I heard somewhere.

Hi, I’m Graham, MomzillaNC’s son. Typically when you buy a Tesla (or any other electric car for that matter) the charge stations are complimentary. Most restaurants and hotels tend to have complimentary charging stations. Many Charging Parks have free charging stations for anyone that happends to be a customer. Buy an Egg McMuffin? Free car charge. Go into a mall to watch a movie? Free car charge.

Fun tidbit: Some very clever people are taking advantage of this complimentary system and creating adaptors for the Tesla charging stations (called Destination Stations) that allow them to work with any brand of electric car - Prius, Honda, BMW, etc.

Wow that is even more amazing than I thought and wouldn't you believe it that someone (many) have found a way to game the system already.

Holy moly this is big

My next car is going to be a Tesla! :)

LOL – you’re going to give my son a big head by letting him think he’s convinced you to buy Tesla. Actually, he’s rather obsessed with Tesla and Elon Musk – Musk is his hero.

Musk is a pretty smart guy and a he is changing the future of so many things.

He is an impressive person

I had not heard that. I’ll ask my son about it.

No hybrids here, but still interesting info! The kids borrow my car once in a while, but since I'm not driving, it will end up being one of those low mileage/driven by a little old lady cars!

I'd buy that for a dollar ha ha. These hybrids have lots of gizmos which is perfect for a tech nerd like me.
What do you/your kids drive? :)

My kids drive Subarus and I sold my Jeep and bought an HHR because it was easy for me to get in and out of and easy to load my mobility scooter in the back. Jim drove it on a few of our last roadtrips- to Yellowstone and again to New Orleans, but the last few years it has had less than a 1000 miles a year put on it. I'm coming to terms with the fact that it will be my last car.

It's a nice car and handy for your requirements. Just looked it up we don't get them here.
1000 miles a year is very low mileage. Hope you get many more years use from it.
I had a similar car (Previa) when the kids were little. We went everywhere in that car. It was brilliant.

Jim had a Nissan 350Z convertible and later an Audi convertible that we did a lot of traveling in over the years, but as both of us got older the HHR fit our needs better and the sports cars turned into going to get ice cream cars, rather than for traveling!

Sounds like an efficient use of resources lol Ice cream is good :)

I've got a 2004 Prius that is still going strong. If your 12 volt is dead, the car won't function. But a quick replace and you're good to go. If the main battery goes out..... scrap the car. :)
Glad it's working.

I beg to differ on the main battery. I've had mine repaired 3.5 years ago and it's still going strong. The 12 volt was okay as you can see in the video. :)
Here's the video of the repair to the main traction battery. Saved me £3000!

Interesting to see this, especially after driving our first hybrid, it's such a great system, possibly even more so than full EV.

I like the hybrid system as you have your very own generator on board and no need for external charging. Who knows where that electricity is coming from?

I think that hydrogen fuel cells would be the best of all possible scenarios.

The i8 is absolute madness 75 mph on electric 50-75 2.6 seconds and a 1.5 3 cylinder to charge it or plug in, converted 😎

That is one beautiful looking car and super efficient as well. It's going to sell like hot cakes.
I've driven my Prius at 70 mph on the battery alone...amazing. Very weird when the engine cuts out at 70 mpg and you just run on the battery lol

Look out for the Roadster, I’ve not seen one yet, maybe we’ll see one at Goodwood in the next few days.

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