Ink DrawingsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #art7 years ago

This is a copy one of Luis Royo painting I made in year 2002 while studying architecture in Wroclaw. This is one of the works I made to practise my skills in drawing with pen. I tested 3 colours of ink and pen to recreate one of my favourite paintings at that time. The format of this work is 70x50cm and it took me week to finish it. I often copied my favourite paintings, as an exercise for using different medium. I like to draw what I see more than things from imagination.
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Kopia obrazu Luisa Royo ktora namalowalem w 2002 studiujac Architekture we Wroclawiu. Jeden z kilku obrazow na ktorych testowalem rysowanie piorkiem. W tym tescie uzylem 3 kolorow., bialy, czarny i sepia na szarym kartonie formatu 70x50cm. Calosc zajela mi tydzien. Jesli chcesz zobaczyc wiecej moich prac, pomoz mi glosujac i komentujac. Dzieki!


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Dzieki. Zawsze lubilem piorko za precyzje. Musze wrocic do tej techniki, teraz ide w strone rzezby bardziej.

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