Traveling in search of material for a book. Szeged - Subotica

in TravelFeed4 years ago (edited)

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Subotica town

In search of material for the book, I happened to get into a small Hungarian city on the border with Serbia. Hungary is a rather unusual country in itself. The Hungarian language is very different from the languages ​​of neighboring countries. Before I went on a trip, I had to carry out preliminary work to find information. The first and most important point of preparation was the search for a translator. Oddly enough, the search for a translator lasted about a year. Why did it take so long? I needed not only a translator, but also a guide, a driver, and a man versed in military history, and also a slightly private detective. In general, the search for a translator is a separate story, which can be devoted to a separate post.


During the trip, about 15 meetings were scheduled with various respondents who lived in the vicinity of the Hungarian cities of Szeged, Hódmezővásáreli and the Serbian city of Subbotica.


At first everything was as usual. Meeting at the airport, meeting, checking into a hotel.

The exposition in hotel

The hotel owner is a former military pilot. In the buffet hall, he made a small museum of his army youth. The exposition includes a Soviet-style pressure suit and a helmet, plus numerous models of Soviet-made jet fighters

But in the morning a whole cascade of misunderstandings began. If you describe all these funny moments, you could get a wonderful script for a comedy.


How do I remember Szeged? It is a small typical provincial town. Business actuality is low. Cafes and restaurants close very early. This was a big problem for me. I was returning to the hotel late in the evening. In the end, I solved the issue of food thanks to a small night cafe with Greek cuisine. There they prepared a wonderful Greek dish, Gyros. In addition, this dish was very inexpensive. Of course it's a bit strange - Greek cuisine in Hungary.


After a couple of days, I got used to it and found in the historical center several restaurants open until late at night. I especially liked the Halberd Restaurant. Gothic interior with knightly armor on the walls, an excellent set of dishes and all this at very affordable prices!


I want to recommend you a Hungarian halasli fish soup. Although this dish does not need my recommendations and descriptions. It just needs to eat and enjoy.


Regarding the main purpose of the journey, I can say that at first everything went very badly. But then I was lucky to get acquainted with a very remarkable personality. This is Mr. N, a hereditary nobleman in several generations. He kindly invited me to his mansion, where a wonderful conversation was held on a variety of topics. Mr. N gave me a recommendation and several respondent phones. Things immediately went much better

the apartment of Mr. N

I really like tourism with immersion in the living environment. This is the only way you get the maximum experience. When you live in a hotel, travel with a group on a tourist bus, you only get acquainted with the shell of the country without knowing and diving inside.

the apartment of Mr. N

I was very impressed with the apartment of Mr. N. He showed us the antiques of his ancestors. Honorable mentions of the great-grandfather, who served in the hussar regiment, edged weapons and awards of the grandfather who fought in the Second World War in Hungarian aviation.

Mr. N kindly provided us with several contacts in the neighboring town with the unpronounceable name Hódmezővásárhely.

a large spectacular museum

The city was remembered by me as a large spectacular museum. Look at the sculpture sitting on the facade of the museum. How many of you can call his name?

Сan you call his name?

Then we headed towards the Serbian border towards the city of Subbotica. I must say right away, I really liked this wonderful cozy town

The city had a complicated story. The city has changed its name more than once. I really liked the central part of the city with the town hall and the spectacular governor's palace

the central part of the city Subbotica

The Governor's Palace does not provide for the visit of interiors. When we viewed the entrance group, the guard suggested us look at the interiors of the palace. It was very unexpected and kind of him.

The Governor’s Palace

The cathedral

Pay attention to the pavement in the arch of the main entrance made of wooden fragments. How many knows why a fragment of a pavement is made of wood?

a fragment of a pavement

What else do I remember Subotica? Of course, great food! There I tasted fantastic grilled red peppers. I highly recommend it!

An extensive list of establishments that can be visited in the evening is available. After the desert Szeged, it seemed to me that in a small Serbian city, life is just boiling.

What else do I remember Subotica?

I want to note one more characteristic moment for the Balkans. Everyone around is smoking! People smoke in hotels, in cafes, during a sex (joke)...

Nature Park Palic

On the way back we stopped at Nature Park Palic. The resort was deserted. For a true traveler and photographer, this is just great. No one will stop him from enjoying the beauty of nature.

The resort was deserted

Subbotica gave me a series of meetings with wonderful people who told me amazing stories of their lives. But about this I may write in another post

return to Szeged

And now it's time to return to Szeged

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subotica is cute small town

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