How to be an Ideal Teacher?

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There are hundred or even thousand definitions about an ideal teacher that everyone can define based on their perspectives. Becoming an ideal teacher for students is a dream for teachers. Of course, there many ways to be an ideal teacher that his/her students want to be. But, in this chance I would to cite some students’ perceptions about the teachers they like.
These ten years old students have very definite ideas about what they like in a teacher.

Susan Says,

My ideal school teacher is Mr Jolly because I like his music.

Darren says,

My ideal teacher is funny and makes you work hard. And lets me draw thing from my imagination.

Terry says,

A patient teacher, and who doesn’t mind children getting things wrong, sometimes. A teacher who enjoys fun and games.

Annete says,

Is a strict teacher who is strict to the naughty children and nice to the good ones. And has always got chalk handy.

We come to the job with our personalities already formed,but there are abilities and attitudes that can be learnt and worked on. As a teacher of young children it helps a lot if you have a sense of humor, you are open-minded, adaptable, patient, etc., but even if you are a silent, reserved type, you can work with your attitudes and personalities.

Teachers come in all shapes and sizes

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1. Abilities
We may not all be brilliant music teacher like Mr Jolly, but most of us can learnt to sing even play a musical instrument. all music teacher would agree in any case that everyone can sing, although perhaps not always in tunes.

We can all learn to mime, to act or to draw simple drawings. We can all learn to organize our worksheet so that they are planned and pleasing to look at. And we can all learn to have our own chalk handy.

2. Attitudes
We have to respect to our students and be realisticabout what they can manage and an individual level, then your expectation will realistic too. As a teacher you have to appear to like all your students equally. Althougt at time this will certainly include the ability to act, students should not be aware of it. children learning a foreign language or other subjects need to know that the teacher likes them. Young children have a very keen sense of fairness.

It will make all the difference in the world if yourself feel secure in what you are doing. Knowig where you are going and what you are doing is essential. You can build up your own security by planning, reading, assesing and talking to the others.

Teaching English to Children, written by Wendy A. Scott. And Lisbeth A. Ytreberg, Published by Longman Education Text.

*Mr. Don


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