The world in patterns


Patterns are powerful, and they're everywhere. We see patterns every day in nature, in music, in art, in behavior, even in how we think. Almost everything about the world we live in is, in some way, a pattern, and being able to recognize those patterns is powerful all on its own.

According to IQ test designers, pattern recognition is key in determining a person’s ability to think logically, verbally, numerically and spatially. It has the highest correlation with a person’s “general intelligence”.

The ability to recognize patterns is wired naturally in all of us but comes across in very different ways. You might be recognizing patterns every day and not even know it. For example, are you able to distinguish someone’s fake smile from a real smile? Doing so might be the difference between furthering a connection and relationship with that person or doing just the opposite.

Are you able to recognize a bird by its flight pattern? Or if an animal is sick based on scat and migration? Can you accurately predict how your sleep tonight will be? Or maybe you can tell when a person is really telling the truth or not? All of these are forms of pattern recognition and are considered to make a person “smarter”.

Patterns are intriguing, sometimes complex and can be learned. To me, patterns in nature are the most fascinating.

I read this article awhile ago and it inspired to me make this post to get people thinking more about the world as patterns. I encourage everyone to follow the link and read more about such an interesting topic.

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