Bellas Flores Amarillas/Beautiful Yellow Flowers

in GEMS4 years ago
Me encanta la energía que puedo percibir de estas bellas flores, su color me inspira y me transmiten fuerza, amor, firmeza, vida, templanza, florecimiento de algo nuevo. Observarlas me da mucha paz y tranquilidad en mi ser, eso es muy gratificante, gracias a nuestra amada naturaleza.

I love the energy that I can perceive from these beautiful flowers, their color inspires me and transmits strength, love, firmness, life, temperance, the blossoming of something new. Observing them gives me a lot of peace and tranquility in my being, that is very gratifying, thanks to our beloved nature.

Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!
Settings: ISO-50, F/2, TV 1/227

Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!
Settings: ISO-50, F/2, TV 1/227

Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!
Settings: ISO-50, F/2, TV 1/180

Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!
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Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!
Settings: ISO-50, F/2, TV 1/189

Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!
Settings: ISO-50, F/2, TV 1/265

Thanks for watching my post.

Camera: BLU G6
Lens: 4.7-23.5mm/1:3.3-5.9/26mm
Location: Venezuela
by: @mirla33


que bonita flor de auyama

Gracias @elvlogdedany, si la flor de la auyama es hermosa, tiene una geometría como una estrella de 5 puntas.

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