New to Steemit


Hello everyone. I've been here for less than a month, becoming familiar with Steemit. However I failed to introduce myself.

My name is Miriam and I am Canadian, I have 2 kids and a dog, a Bichon Frise. I am a blogger, writer, social media manager and content creator. I am also an astrologer but am not practicing so much now. I did receive a certification in 2006.

I have to say I am quite new to cryptocurrecy in general but definitely want to learn. I am also a mental health advocate and will be writing articles every now and then on depression because unfortunately I do suffer from it.

I will be talking about raising children with autism every now and then because one of my kids is under the spectrum. And I'll be writing articles on raising a typical teen girl, because I also have one.

I may share the odd interesting story, recipe or meme. I would love to connect with others. Would love a follow and I always follow back. Nice to meet you. My dog Brady is also happy to meet you!



Welcome @MiriamSlozberg I know the quality you will bring to the platform. I am thrilled that you are here!

Oh he's cute! :)
That sounds like you have a lot of interesting subjects to share! :)

Thank you and I sure do

Welcome to Steemit! I haven't actually written an introducingmyself post yet! Will add that to my things to do list :)

Great to meet you

Hello @MiriamSlozberg I am brand new here as well and have only joined 2 days ago so I definitely have a lot to learn still around here. I am excited to discover the possibilities. Have a great day.

Thanks! Me too! I just created my very first story post! This is very interesting for sure! Have an awesome day! :-)

Cute dog! Followed so I can keep up with your journey here. Keep up the awesome content :-)

Thank you!!! I followed back :)

Nice to have you on board, Miriam! Follow me at

Thank you! Followed!

Welcome to you! you have a nice presentation. i Hope you will have fun on streemit

Nice to know you a little bit @miriamslozberg
Just followed you, hope to see more of your posts!

Glad to connect! Followed back

Better late than never :)
Followed :)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 67435.35
ETH 3528.53
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.68