Stroking Cocks. Comedy Open Mic Round #20

I'm a very lucky lady. I get to stroke two lovely cocks every day! Yes, you read that right.


You're probably wondering how I manage to do this without them getting jealous and fighting one another. I'm sure people with multiple cocks have different ways of handling this situation, but I simply just make sure they don't cross paths by keeping them separate.

Let me tell you a bit about them. One is a big, fat and slightly wonky cock and the other is mid sized, likes to stand tall and proud and is full of that teenage, virile energy. They both love attention and being stroked.

I call my big boy Roast:



Here you can see his wonky wattles. He's sitting in his sleeping crate.


My energetic young boy I call Zeus.


See how proud and tall he likes to stand!


I'm supposed to nominate two more people to have a go at posting something for @comedyopenmic so first I'm going to nominate @galenkp, because I just know how much he LOVES contests and challenges! 😜 then I'll nominate @powellx5 because she often makes me laugh and might appreciate a prompt to help with her July daily posting regime.


Top photo is thanks to pixabay


This sort of ribald, low brow humour simply won't do.
My flesh golem is shaking with outrage.

If by chance I have offended, then I suggest you get your filthy mind out of the gutter!

... and put any flesh golems away.

Of course I'm offended. I'm an upstanding member.

Flesh golem? Is that what the kids are calling it these days? 😁

I want to drop a Flash Gordon pun, but fear that would date me.
I have no idea what the kids are calling anything these days.
They're all straight edge, vegan parkour enthusiasts; none of which I can relate to.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you waste your coffee.


Maybe we need a mini cock room in discord. So people can stroke it.

Will they be stroking the room or the cocks in the room? If it's the latter then I recommend silkie cocks. They're small, very soft and nice to stroke.

When i reached that "......" moment, i was ready to close my eyes, ears and everything that is possible lol

But Roast and Zeus are such lovely specimens! ;)

lool my first reaction was 'She can't be serious'...loool, i'll stroke those cute cocks all day

I'm sure they'd appreciate that. 😊

that awkward moment this post meant i actually don't have a cock.

I'm sad for anyone who doesn't get to experience the joys of a cock. Maybe one day you will. Hand raised are the cuddliest!

I bet that big cock wakes you up at the crack of dawn every morning.

My cocks wake no one at the crack of dawn! They're very good cocks.

Flagged for being a cockbait clickbait

Oh, this is so good. I knew where it was going, but I was smiling the whole way through. The district here forbids me from even having a cock.

I figured my user name and what I tend to blog about might be a bit of a give away anyway, but it's fun how just talking about my cocks can be a great innuendo.

I'm sorry you can't have a cock where you are. Have a picture of my dripping wet cock to console you.

LOL! ... two timing cocks .. that is quite ninja :P !

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