Part 1 of 3 - Stephan Unrau - Information Scientist - Expert Systems Analyst - TI


I witnessed serious violent crimes in September and October of 2014. I almost saved this woman from a sexual assault and also had overheard the perpetrators planning her murder. I was told she died in a car accident shortly afterwards. I was arguing with them daily about the identity of the victim and the circumstances of the event. I was there when a phone call came in and the rapist was yelling and freaking out that he already "told everbody she died in a car accident". This woman is called "Stephanie's Niece" and at the time it wasn't weird. I still have not identified Stephanie's Niece, but I know the people that can. I know enough to know the murder was planned before the assault. I too was sexually assaulted in the same house. I did what any normal person would do, I called the authorities expecting a file number and if lucky this would be the information they needed.

I called the Penticton RCMP who only spoke one sentence, repeating it when I told them what i was calling for. I have not been in Penticton in almost two decades and was shocked when I heard the constable say "Fuck You Stephan". I only repeated myself because I thought I had to have misheard him. My trauma and anger lead to the only solution for such a situation, the complaints commission for RCMP and they assigned Cst Kelsey Ferris. My confidence in her disappeared after she was transferred to Kelowna major crimes. The replacement for Cst Kelsey Ferris's investigations was a Cst Vance. Cst Vance was abusive, in email, and on the phone. Vance sounded like the gangstalkers, he never contacted me. He said "you're mentally ill, go to a hospital" and "get off the drugs" not to mention "Gary never raped anyone" and "nobody died". He did not identify the victim or even hear any of the evidence.

Cst Vance never explained his abusive statements nor did he accuse me of crimes or even question me. Corruption became clear when I received additional information from RCMP in Saskatchewan. I could barely believe it until the rumor was confirmed by a friend in an common organized criminal network. Penticton RCMP claimed I was on the run from a rape and murder. This is very suspicious because I can't even get a file number to submit my evidence which is frequently stolen anytime I acquire a good recording of the stalking and harassment common to rapists. He no longer works for Penticton RCMP. I spoke to the complaints commission who finally replied and told me there is nothing more they can do until I have another complaint about their action (or inaction) and it must include a name or badge number plus date and time. A doctor once told me in 2014 that I "had called police enough, don't you think". I assume this means I have to call again and try to get a file number for these serious crimes nearing 5 years old.

I suppose it's good the stalking, harassment, slander, assaults, threats, robberies, and obviously terrorism or treason still happen daily. Furthermore, the enemy hates me and they are totally insane, their lies have changed over the years and I have a good understanding about the entire TI problem. If I meet an RCMP aware about any of the serious problems, they believe we're mentally ill not only due to the technology but mainly that when our government uses it, it's not used in the way we describe. If police check, it's confirmed, we're not on a list of legal surveillance including terrorists, spies, and prolific offenders. Prolific offenders commit crimes and cannot be caught with ordinary means, as well the goal of their crime is to harm the country. Both of these criteria must be proven for the invasion of privacy, the only complaint of government targets, and that's a stretch. Sounds familiar, perps, as TI's call them, are prolific offenders, and I really pray my perps are targeted soon.

As a whole the government is not aware of the serious crimes TI's describe. It's clear by simply speaking to police about it, often this is the reason most people don't care if they open their mind and listen to my entire argument. I heard a few times "if this were all true, then the police would know and they'd stop the problem, just go to police" which is what makes the abuse from perp's and the government doctors and police especially maddening. At least the person listened past the word "mind reading rapists". You have to realize the fact this conspiracy has government employees or subcontractors acting outside of a work environment is not unbelievable. Fake passports are frequently assumed to be spies that quit or even wanted, not selling them on the darknet for their job. We never accuse the government of selling drugs or fake identities online, so why call the government the culprit if the criminal would be jailed when it's exposed. There are other reasons government officials or police appear to be involved. It's easier to blackmail a government employee, especially ones that have more to lose or more shame should a recording exist out their eyes. Out of context statements or snippets of a mind reading transcript or even an FMRI, if it could be useful, would be too easy to produce a picture of somebody that everyone hates. Propaganda, as opposed to journalism, creates a false reality, it's called disinformation even if it does not contain outright lies, it's half the truth or less and if that is happening, it's probably obvious to the creators it's a lie and as such more likely than not contains outright lies, misinformation. When biased information is compiled it will often have secondary sources of bullshit and that's why the fact it's biased should be enough to stop listening to it. The only way to combat seriously biased information is to contact the victim and often it's the best way since you'll get the truth. The truth alone destroys slander since it becomes not only obvious the original information is highly suspicious but that it's outright lies. The target of mind reading propaganda can easily be made out to be a devil and in reality they are mostly peaches and cream. In my case, the propaganda seemed to start when I went back to Penticton on a subsequent occasion after leaving due to fear for my life. I was told they were making a video of me and daily their excuse for abuse shifted depending on that day.

I know a lot about the targeting and how it's primary goal is to create public shootings and start a civil war, exacerbated by foreign influence. My best friends raped and shot a girl, later the v2k group of strangers (pretending they are my friends) claimed the dead girl was my ex girlfriend (Tina Jamal). The psycho rape cult, as I know them, pretended Tina was the TI, and that she is now dead. They are still here every single day from morning until I sleep. There is currently no sufficient explanation for why or how I became the TI, but I believe I may be getting closer to the truth.

Since the technology was so powerful, at first, I figured it must be the authorities coming to help. The insufficient explanation, grew more empty and hollow as time went on. The abuse was obvioius and frightening not to mention sickly and obviously if it was the government, somebody would be fired, a rapipst psychopath no doubt. At least one of the about a dozen strangers appeared to consistently reassure me and never lied to me. The rest lied every time they spoke, you could be sure of the lie based on who was speaking. I realize now that my self-reassurance, my explanation, was true to the enemy only because I once believed it. I told myself not to worry since if it were the government there would be a good reason for it, they might be here to protect me, or maybe they will eventually arrest those involved. It was the best lie they had and still is. Now it is not true but since the perpetrators are psychopaths still pretend to be the authorities and maybe the stalkers aren't just acting confused as to why I don't believe them. Psychopaths really cannot imagine what it feels like or when they do it's a conscious deliberate part of a tactic to predict our actions, and not innate and natural, feeling empathy happens in a way that is unavoidable and sometimes appears to come from nothing, no conscious intention is necessary to know why someone is behaving in a manner if it's consistent with how we would feel ourselves.

I was the witness and this is why the stalkers terrorize, torture and lie to me for 56 months now. It's unlikely the victim was Tina, since that would be a coincidence and even though I cannot get ahold of her, I spoke with people that claimed she was fine. Furthermore, if one killed somebody, even with advanced anonymizing communications technology ignored by authorities, the criminal would NEVER tell anybody the name of the victim since that is one step closer to finding the truth. With the real name of Stephanie's Niece or any of the perpetrators I would be more of a threat since we could go directly to others who knew the victim and could force even corrupted officls to do their job with less chance of denying reality. In my case I've got a lot of information that is suggesting a reality where even the simplest explanation will always be hard to believe.

Most likely the rapist was a TI and still is. Somehow those that monitored him were accomplices and would be corrupt authorities, possibly friends of the rapist in Penticton BC, possibly Penticton RCMP rapist. After they raped and they killed my friend "Stephanie's Niece", he or the corrupted officials watching out his eyes killed her. She would be able to identify the rapist and what would those monitoring the rapist say about the rape they watched out his eyes. If she found me we would both have been able to provide the identity of the rapist and to the police directly. The corrupt accomplice to the rapist who he's entrusted to monitor until they have evidence to convict him would also be convicted. The official thought if only he could switch the mind reader to be attached to me instead of his friend. Furthermore, the friend can't be untargeted since his brain scan is matched to the mind reading device. I'm sure other complications existed but since psychopaths, especially those that call themselves a rape cult fly by the seat of their pants, always expecting the world to believe their insane lies to the point of incredulity when authorities finally hear their bullshit, often even turning themselves in to explain, the rest seems plausible.

There once was a lady from authorities that was not always lying, she found it strange that the rest did always lie and often accused the psychopath of lying to her. She told him she believes he's lying, that I'm not hallucinating, he's tell her "look see for yourself I never did anything, he's schitzophrenic". She told him that I'm the witness, she said "I know he's not the killer". She threatened that she will figure it all out if he is to blame. I have a lot to say about her, but she would only talk a bit before we were cut off and I'd be yelling into the empty space around me HELLO where are you. It's really impossible to separate her from the rest when I only have a few words, half a sentence, or even just her hello, or "good morning", it's all the assholes to me, the only times I would be certain it's her is by a two way conversation when I can hear her clearly and not guessing what she's saying based on a few phenomes. After she was cut off when I had two way communication, message, response, message, response, I'd still always swear and be angry since I believed she was intentionally pretending to be good only to keep me from freaking out and drawing attention to the rest of them. I would quickly think she's lying like they all are and simply not be available so the rest can continue the ruse. Afterall, they ALL lie to me, they ALL help him and they ALL abuse me as much as possible, I simply will not listen to them for a second, I don't even try, always I'm actively drowning them out since I know it's a lie, it's always abusive, they never follow through on their bargains, it's years of this daily lying, it's totally insane. Even their excuses for this abuse are ridiculous, if I explain sometimes they will give up for the day, but always within minutes or hours they're back with the same lies and all pretend the truth is new to them, again, and again, and again. The lady from authorities as I call her disappeared one day in Calgary. I was near Dalhousie Starbucks where crimes have occured, the staff knew of "Towlie" and the "Towlie protocol" indeed even acted out rapes, it was really disgusting to the point I eventually robbed the place telling them to f off knowing they would never call police, I would try and find evidence if I was in the area but never did solve anything there. She left right after saying a few things, that she "discovered what he was doing" and "you wouldn't believe it", she is going to "pull the plug on this", that "you are right, he is going to kill you if we go through with what's happening", and "don't worry". She never came back, my final words were "HURRY" and was sick until I knew she failed, he must have killed her or she would go to police, he came back within 24 hours and was laughing and said "she won't be bothering us anymore" at which point the abuse got ten times worse and continues to today. He says she was with the authorities, all of the perps hate the authorities, indeed excuse for their abuses being government caused started with "what about COINTELPRO" which is what happends to spies, no doubt maybe something bad there but it's their jobs. It's not abuse done against citizens, and seriously rape, got to be kidding me that the stlakers believe I'll buy their bullshit, always they are ignorant, I muse that maybe she got to them, poisoned them with a brain damaging poison but died before finishing them off. I find humor, especially mocking, to be satisfying in this situation, probably because as I just read the other day, that psychopath narcissists, the most likely culprit of serious stalking, rape and torture. They are unwanted and this fact drives them to continue to try and force the victim into their belief that they are special and should be treated as such, instead you'd prefer to die, so they will continue to show you the "truth" until you realize it. Yuck...

I now know the lady from authorities was cut off from communicating with me and both of us remained unaware of how this occured. By the time I got to Moose Jaw, another woman was there for 2 days. Her name was Jessica but I could not get a last name. She would be gone but I barely cared or noticed things were any more peaceful than before. When I accused her of lying like the last one by pretending to be good and never lying, accused her of disappearing like the last one never actually finishing a conversation, she was literally gone. I began to get excited when Jessica did come when I called out her name. It was very strange to me since I was told this by multiple v2k people that I could call their name and they'd be there, but never was it true, indeed I never even got a response if I asked for names. Sure, I got a list of words and names that are obviously not real names, I searched online - it was all bullshit. This time, some other lady said "hey its Stephan he wants to talk to you" and I was suddenly talking to Jessica again, her voice was familiar, but voice is never a good way to identify somebody indeed it's impossible to be certain by voice alone. How many times have you heard a familiar voice run around a corner and it's a totally different person but you were so sure, it was close and you were certain but it's not. This is worse with people you don't hear very often. I checked and she said yes it's the same woman from the previous day. This was a first and still I did not think it more than a game to get me to speak to them rather than block them out. With her I entertained it, even though most times, they pretend this it won't be a minute after I believe them that maybe it's the authorities, even if I act like the fake authority can help me,they say "he believes it's the police" and then the abuse is repeated and they act like it's more serious abuse and more believable because I think it might be the authorities. That is so dumb it's insane these people got their hands on advanced technology at all, totally ridiculous. With Jessica, I was wishing it to be true, had a bad time recently, and maybe they were close to catching these psychopaths, who knows, she was likely to be cut off anyways, why wasn't she understanding anything I say or going to police. To understand what is happening, it will take a bit of explanation.

If Jessica and the previous "lady from authorities" were really from authorities instead of simply part of the psychopath cult that would come to speak the truth a bit to give me confidence and then disappear in some sick and disgusting mock murder, then why do the police ignore my serious complaints, surely the authorities would not continue to abuse people by putting them in hospitals when they are the victim and have help on the way.

It's maddening to even talk to anybody that can help since it's the same hell as before, no I was crazy, clearly crazy, not a suspect, maybe a witness they think, but clearly hospital is all that ever happens since it's unbelievable and police only know 5% of the problem and only believe you if you're targeted by the authorities, who knows what happens when a lone wolf target complains, whatever it is it's not torture, threats of rape and murder. If you're clearly a victim of crime, not on the list, 95% insane sounding, even NCI federal RCMP said once, only once "half of your email sounds right so I'm passing it on to somebody that can check". I only got sane replies from a couple RCMP, another day in Regina a special constable knew about V2K, this floored me. It made me feel it was all almost over finally. No more "before times" and "after times" or at least it would be less sad. Surely this constable would save my life. They found it strange I didn't know what the v2k K stands for, and that I was totally comfortable in the police station, odd since it's almost as safe as a hospital because I don't believe the authorities are torturing me, I assume it's the enemy of our country as they behave. Also most of what I said they never heard before, which scared me. He was going to get tests done with a psychiatrist, I was angry since I was wiped out sitting there explaining the story to two unbelieving police and who were worried I had mental health problems, indeed they were the mental health team and I walked away from those types of assholes before since in my mind they were the police that couldn't even fire a gun for the life of them, clearly the best ones to put on a mental health team, often accidentally shooting the mentally ill or drug crazed. No, what I needed were real police that would know what to do with this and could start the type of investigation needed.

The Regina RCMP and this interview gave me a bit of confidence. It's rare I would walk in even today not a chance, let alone a call which is even less likely to do any good, even if I avoid hospital. Just a waste of time, always. That day I was just the right mood to put aside my social anxiety and praying my anger wouldn't end up in a hospital or worse. I also had confidence in my rights and the seriousness helped. Food coffee and smokes all contributed plus I was walking by in a fortunate accident. This time I thought the RCMP spent a lot of time on the details, they were the first police since the murder to actually ask more than one question about it. After all this time spent I was tired and now they want to go to a bloody hospital, or I could have an appointment in two days. I chose the appointment in two days, this was used in the harassment of the v2k as I walked out the police station, halfway down the steps the rapist said "ha ha you made a big mistake you should have gone with them, now you're fucked" and I didn't believe it since everything they say is a lie to terrorize you, why would they say anything truthful, it's just harassment, abuse, terror, torture, scare me it's all these pussies got.

Rapists are all pussies, believe me over 1500 days yelling screaming at the top of my lungs about damn rapists in every city now, I'm as computer nerd, or "Information Scientist" as you can imagine. If people still used pens I'd have a pocket protector, even see them now I think it would look good if I had a pocket. I have had so many people run into me and I'd hear them say that's the guy that is always yelling about some rapist. Indeed as I write this from my temporary home in Regina I met a bunch of local residents last week, one was a couple blocks away and was embearassed as I was introduced as you'll never believe who this is, remember that yelling last week - I was in my chair a few feet from where I am now yelling at soundlaser or v2k, who can tell, nobody unless they make it loud or move it around, if it's stationary or hard to hear, most likely sound laser or not the rapists. I have been yelling aloud in public or otherwise freely since the first Calgary visit where I snapped one day at night. I found myself constantly arguing with the fuckers, if I speak aloud it reduces their insistance I said something I didn't, yelling spread the message back to the stalkers in a way the miscommunication device can't. It was also theraputic, a few times caused a serious problem for them, and that first night ended with me laughing a bit for once in a long time, seeing the sun rise I was thinking I needed a megaphone, perhaps waking up apartment buildings of sleeping people was the best way to get this message accross, afterall if the police, doctors and government were not listening or imaginary worse case scenario were totally remote controlled by a child in China putting a few yen into a video game or by a room full of people eating popcorn and laughing, then perhaps I better at least work to prepare everybody else for what was coming, maybe somebody could help. I sure felt better by letting it out, and recently read someone in captivity in a foreign country used both anger and humor to keep himself going, it sure feels worse than what I imagined his journey was like, but at least similar to TI's threatened with rape and murder, at least he never knew he'd come out alive either. I had not laughed in a while and often will go from yelling to mocking the insane ludicrous irony and lambasting evil stalker with well intentioned but more insane seeming doctor and government was really good for my mental health in this situation. It made me think maybe if they gave me enough brain damage from the poisons they promise are in everything I eat, I could be a comedian. Everything, always it's poisoned to them, maybe then i can do something like take up comedy. After all I said, "it wouldn't be the first time a Canadian comedian got locked up for practicing his bit". I came up with an imaginary TV show, "Fragile Minds" which has an intro that sounds like the intro to criminal minds, and would bring me joy time after time again. I especially like using it when faced with the threats from v2k that tries to control my behavior using the slightest bend in thinking, if my words aloud could hurt someone, then I'll remind the v2k assholes "Next weeks episode of FRAGILE MINDS, Nancy eats an ice cream cone... She ends up in the hospital... next weeks episode of... FRAGILE... MINDS..." just this so and so does something normal and ends up in the hospital can go from their harassment, unwanted communications, invasion of my privacy, anger at their illogical bullshit and constant GASLIGHTING, to cracking up with laughter, totally immobalizing their lying charade - obviously they dont' give a shit, especially ironic is the reverse of their stalking a rapist - ya right, if they care who the fuck is Stephanies Niece, and 56 months of what, terrorizing a victim with a mind reader and they don't see anything wrong with this, they now want to remind me I may scare somebody who may or may not have heard me freaking out, ya f'ing right assholes. Sometimes I accompany it with the whirr of a police or ambulance siren, it's comforting to realize the harassment is bullshit, and not only that, remind oneself with a real example. The abusers don't care about fragile minded people that get hurt with strangers words not even spoken to them, what happened to "stick and stones" which I grew up with even though it's not the best thing to say nowadays. The real injury in these cases is the stalker, they want me to stop speaking aloud. Even this crazy Steemit post scares them since Steemit can be hidden but as I understand not deleted permanently from the blockchain. Trying to control me with their fear by playing on my fear that I may hurt someone, nice try psychopath, especially backwards don't you think. As I wrote this several times they wondered if this was a threat, a few times clearly, other times they tried to get me to stop. The current conclusion nobody will read far enough to get to the bit at the end that started this letter. Clearly I finally made some inches close to the truth.

I was still worried after I walked home from Regina RCMP, I got my chocolate bar, found my favorite bank machine where it was the most secure and far enough out of town to sleep all night without frightening an old lady or waking up to some kid poking me with a stick and mother saying don't get too close, watch out his eye! I was still worried and told myself not to get too excited. It's another situation like any other, many before made me excited, and they failed, but this was the best shot yet at getting this v2k rapist out of my head, I wondered what he meant by "we can protect you" I would do anything to not die, to live to the end of this war, fuck I really hope it deosn't come to that. What happened to "never again" and if it was a war, I would certainly not get to compensation even if it ended, it's unlikely anybody but my progeny would see any money and even then, I may not have any now. Oh well, I really had my own funeral, and I was the only person that cared, long ago I think it was clear I would die, once the rapist with his sick voice even said "if they do come to rescue you I will shoot you before they do, so if you get their attention and they believe you you're dead" and the fact my funeral is over, helps my courage. At least they finally figured it out and tried, it's not Nazi Canada, it's lying psychopaths afterall, whew. I tempered my vast excitement since it would give joy to the enemy, had seen all previous situations fail and if this psychiatrist actually does remove the v2k and I don't die soon, then I would allow myself hope again. I wondered maybe the poison is not going to kill me, maybe it was not a chemical castration, maybe I'm not sterilized, maybe I will even get a biopsy to determine the extent of microwave damage on the brain, which by the way is less harmful than other types of radiation, it's also been tested in fairly wide variety of volunteer experiments, mostly by subjects that signed up in the military, people who die for their country and the freedom we're close to losing out of failure to act. Once your right is unable to be protected you don't get a choice to argue, your right is not there to speak, then it's not just against the law, a piece of paper, if you are physically unable to speak the right is gone. It's not even an argument you can have since you are unable to stop it. This is a right to disobey and if you can't stop it, it's not a discussion that you can have. Imagine the right of a farm animal to not be a farm animal. Animals everywhere are unable to speak and have a discussion obviously but further to that they have an inability to escape the farm. If they could they would not be farm animals. Even a law could not stop a person from exercising their free will, you have a 1% restriction on freedom of speech due to hate crimes as well as incitement, but this is not actually restricting your free will and ability to disobey since your mouth can speak and in violation of the law you can still exercise your true free will to do so. A technology can easily make us like farm animals to an enemy, it could easily prevent even a discussion about the lack of freedom, this is really slavery and a lack of freedom. I tempered my hope and happy I did so because I was very angry as I was lead from the psychiatrist to a hospital by all sorts of sorry people who had no idea why, simply the police had to do "whatever she says" and the doctors had "no idea why they brought you here" and I was being shown a room without even the 2 psychiatrist certificates, total bullshit, fucking hell, and no seconds at this particular waypoint in hell. Even an old lady with diabetes said they were evil people here, and I agree, she wasn't getting her diet, I wasn't either and it sucked they were mean, only hospital I ever saw the nurses and doctors being mean and abusive, very happy the nice diabetic woman noticed as I would think it's from the targeting and being a hospital one of the nicest places for this problem if I had to have people around and be locked up I'd choose hospital staff, but not this one. Actually there were two but one in another city was not the psychiatry ward, I call them both terrorist hospitals as they are the only ones I got any harassment in. I was choking on an apple and thought I'd die listening to harassment from the psychopath rapist's girlfriend saying i deserve this. I'm pretty sure trigger happy as I may call her shot Stephanies niece out of jealousy she hates us both but it's all very unclear why.

No there was no more hope, it really left when the lady from authorities died and the harassment went up many times worse, from noticeable and occasional to torture, no other way to describe day in day out with these psychos that have no fear, not a bit on those days or moments. I found myself broke, no business, from the happiest time of my life, to being now 5 years of no life ongoing. Add to two years of happy business a total of 7 years behind even if I could start a new business tomrorow, I'll never catch up to competitors in that industry and I really saw sitting on top of it especially with my next two products, one almost finished, and sign. Some people ask why I don't just get to work. Imagine the uproar that sometimes includes a dozen total psychopaths pretending not to know anything, like they were just here for the first time today and have no knowledge of the past, argue with everything from your choice of food, to your memory as you try to reconcile the situation or think of something that angers them, or exhibit some trait that makes it obvious how wrong their behavior is, they will argue every thing you think and if they run out of steam, they will pretend they are voices in your head by repeating only the words or echo them or play dumb, try to setup a situation that is not verifiable not communication not passing the Turing test for intelligence, acting robotic rudimentary and unthinking, in a best case scenario which is pretty uncommon. It's the part where they are thinking and speak as a telephone call or a evil overlord from the sky that hates everything that I am and anybody who helps me, separate motivation from my own, sometimes with no explanation about why they are doing or saying something until it's a serious problem, always one step ahead of me because they know who I'm calling, who I'm writing, where I'm walking, or what my plans are. It's really hard to prevent them from knowing your destination, really really tricky to even figure that out, and just try to plan a way to attack them, they know your thoughts, it's not possible for you to surprise them with anything formidable, the best you got is fly by the seat of your pants without thinking too much about your goal, and move on to the next thing quickly, if you're jumping thoughts around a lot like you're not focused it's not bad and likely it's just hard to follow so much thinking so many words what's going on. I discovered this one day downtown walking, I sprouted out of bed ran around the house and left, all the way there they were asking "where is he going" and "whats he doing" then "Stephan Stephan Stephan what are you doing, where are you going". Weird I thought and realized I gave a few seconds thought to that wehn I woke up, then 99% of the words I thought since then had nothing to do with my task today, it was instinct and had a hard time keeping it secret, I did so for a short time longer but not before I reached my destination they had it figured out, often they can yell out questions just over and over and over and eventually they get the answer of anything one way or the other. The other way they get their answer is you think of the answer they are trying to get or sometimes the wrong answer you may think of it first since you know they will jump on it and I have thought about why this happens a lot and figured it out, in any case as soon as it's their statement than your thought in the mind reader they are done. The out of context snippet is enough for them to proceed having got you with a lie, the lie is theirs, thinking something in an order that they desire to claim is true is different from meaning or saying something. Even speaking aloud is not truth by the order of your statements, not (they are arguing now and can you see why it seems illogical they say delusional but ya whatever can you really see this... i experience it with them too often, it's totally narcissist psychopaths believing their bullshit works, but its so obvious) Anyways, the order of even your spoken words does not make it a true statement, or a belief you have, your meaning is your belief and statement, if they misinterpret it or coach it to appear like you mean something other than what you really intended, it's not your lie or your mistake but their intentional obfuscation of the truth, I might add a truth that they already knowj and try to hide. They will sometimes repeat over and over until it's miscommunication. They also claim stupid things like if I hang on the exact word I'm looking for, i will think other words I don't mean because they're not the meaning I am intending, God forbid that those other words might be useful for them even opposite my intention then its HA HA you f'ed up and they are happy and sometimes will leave for a while claiming this to be enough to put me away, call the hospital or call the jail. Another manifestation of this is where they quickly yell a question as you're forming the words in your head for them or someone else, sometimes I barely heard what they yelled only afterward hearing it. Like I'm yelling "damn you rapist shitheads" and they saw it coming, before it's out of my mouth they yelled something which I may figure out before I have what I'm saying out of my mouth. They do this daily now, especially when I'm yelling at them in my head or otherwise. "Do you have anything to say to your sister" is scary in how common they yell this, I warned police about their threats long before I believed any of them, they now claim she's dead and replaced with a lookalike, only scary because everything in this post is true and not a problem with my head, but our country has a problem. This severety is no joke if you know my perception is accurate my behavior is exception then it becomes a real risk that it is true. Indeed everything they say that's possible but unlikely becomes a real risk, they often say they have a lookalike which is more true as time goes on since I'm more confused every time things don't work out, it's a symptom of illness to believe that so I typically am comforted I somehow know all the symptoms and that is the reason they pretend this, if itwere true, this situation would be more hopeless and I'm sure no reader can understand why without knowing everything, and everything is only in my head, all the writing, journaling I've done, even if unedited, none of it is everything, it's too much to write easily, even including every email every facebook all my original can be considered notes, edited considered total junk, most was written to jog my memory and hastily as this life is eaten up 99% or more of my time dedicated to simply combatting the attack or ignoring them, almost impossible. The seriousness and reality makes mention of anybody I know frightening even one statement they use as a person is scary even though it's many people "everybody on your facebook was raped" is scary even if seemingly impossible. I have two facebooks, one was hacked near the murder, and I'm still unable to get it back due to a false name Zeno Elea, it's attached to an email I sometiems have in control, other times it's locked out. Before I move on, i want to mention one more thing related to this mind reading transcript forgery. When it's not simply one word replaced with another like the word "rape" was switched with "work". Imagine I ama workaholic, I just want to do this so I can get back to work. I just want to work. I love work. I miss work. I'm just going to work. And another one I figured out eventually. I love truth, it's important to me, indeed so important of the top 2 qualities in a woman I might like to be with it is second only to kindness since kindness is the only excuse for a lie, the government agrees and classifies information as sensitive when it may injure finances but more secret if the information would kill people. Deeper level of secrecy depends on the number of deaths.

Honestly I was not in the mood after the time spent with Regina police, it was the last hope I had, and was the first in a long time. It still sets me off to remember it. The fact they reassured me this would be different, I was a bit excited, I'll take the appointment, but had no energy left that day. I need to recharge and think on it, I've been to doctors before why would this one be any different, sitting there that long was enough that I need to go home (to my bank machine after panning for a chocolate bar or real food if I can afford it. I don't like talking very much and this way way over my limit unless it was computers I really mostly prefer to be alone or working. I wondered, is he fucking nuts like the rest, no he assured me physical tests would occur, not to worry I won't need to sleep in bank machines anymore, he even said "we can protect you", "we will keep in contact until the appointment", he was worried about losing track of where I was and that I made it to the appointment. I felt confident since they said they would email me immediately, right after I left, I gave them the best one at the time stephanunrau at yahoo, as most others had been compromised and I was locked out of most of my emails and cloud drives, so much lost evidence, I'm frustrated (bloody mind reading is really hard to understand how bad that is but imagine playing a game of chess it's a nightmare). I've had my PIN code yelled out every time I used it in a store for weeks, more terror more abuse once I said to the staff and the lineup that's my PIN they do it everywhere I go, it doesn't matter if I change it same thing, and even the bank BMO woudln't return the last $50 I even had in a bank, it was stolen by a cloned card and PIN used so it's gone, police believe it or not was the answer from the bank. I never got any emails, never heard from them, even woke up at home (my favorite bank machine in Regina at the time and half expected to see them one day). I would never see them again, well the one that thinks I need to know what the K stands for in v2k, I could barely look at her I'm still so mad and socially introverted makes it very very annoying as I'd have to push myself to say hello let alone repress my anger and make sense rather than just freak out after pushing myself to be social. Fuck it.

I checked with Regina, for sure the other constable must be gone, she was less receptive or excited that this was anything but illness, afterall I didn't know what the K stood for. Nobody knows what I'm talking about there, once I got a message to Regina RCMP who knew the four PACT team members. This was the first time I had a chance to call anybody and used it to call Regina RCMP and wish my dad for birthday or fathers day or something else. I was anticipating a good reaction and was at that time jailed for snapping on a few car windows due to sick abuse, doing anything that helps get you in trouble will cause them to pause the intensity of the abuse, imagine torture stopping, no more drill in kneecap or really right in the ear. I imagine they are at least calling the police or more likely paying somebody to make complaint or one of the gangstalkers calls in the troublemaker, whatever it is, the insane abuse is like Chinese water torture, very hard to understand unless the drumb of their sickly voices is banging, sometimes for countless days, that's when it really hurts, then it's clear even Gandhi would go postal to stop it. It is torture, nothing less. They use your anger as "proof" their statement must be true, whatever psychos. The message that came back from Regina RCMP and delivered through the hospital was "we're glad you're getting help" which seemed to me to be rather the opposite what dicks said that I wondered. I had spent month in jail and two months in a forensic hospital, totally bullshit. I had just spoken with Saskatoon police chief, I was sure they were following me since I was yelling and they pulled out of the blue, a plainclothes, two uniformed officers and one uniformed officer my anxiety failed to notice until they left and got his business card. I sent some really good evidence after I had time to find something that for sure is audible and would not produce any unexpected results since the harassment is often hard to hear and even though they promised to uncover what it was, I'm used to police going away and instead of checking with me after the result, simply never finishing the task or what they agreed by confirming the result with me first, since harassment as defined by the criminal code is often not noticeable to anybody standing by if they heard it, I was wary after the years of failures, it took me time while being harassed daily to find something I would risk their resources on, it had to be good, so I sent one series of recordings I discovered at the rapist house in 2014 or 2015. I sent another eventually wondering why I didn't even get a response or thank you or confirmation of anything so I sent another one, clearly this would do something as they had promised a "tech team" was waiting for me. I often wondered why the police chief was near me when I was stalked accross the city yelling, I hoped and believed they were simply waiting for the psychopath to jump out of the bushes, afterall they seemed to understand v2k triangulation which is why 99% of the communication I get is sound laser (parametric speaker) and only v2k when the psychopaths are sure nobody cares, then they come on v2k loud and clear no more quiet voices, no more turned down bullshit, just loud disgusting violence and lots of laughing about how I should check the recording, I'm hallucinating they will insist, also v2k can be moved around to impossible places, at least with sound lasers it takes time to move the target of the device and sound laser is a physical object that can't be moved in impossible ways. Another good way to tell is if you move your head or run around a corner, v2k moves with you and the corner even a cement corner of a huge building which normally kills the sound laser and takes a while to catch up at least with one stalker emitting the directional sound, v2k does not seem to have any barrier except for range from the stalkers. The stay in North Battleford was bad enough now both Regina and Saskatoon appear to have lost me, yet again. I resisted the urge to think the police were after me as if the psychopath's abuse or slander was remotely believed, if so they would question me, allowing the truth to be obvious, instead they were clearly nearby, it was a good sign until they didn't follow through. Not now a sign they are listening to the psychopath or his false complaints to police, CPS said "we get calls about you all the time what the hell are you doing" but after the situation that was once almost perfect in Calgary, I doubt the psychos make that many complaints anymore. As I'm on the topic, it's worth noting that they only had one question for me repeatedly "but where are you going NOW" which is still so strange. I had a lot to talk about and this is all they cared about, maybe they didn't want the psychopath looking out my eyes to know they were on to him. So I said I hope you know that and I hope they can figure this out so I'll leave it at that for now, but the question makes no sense tome, I am not going anywhere, I'm homeless, they did not seem to think this was a response, insisted they need to know where exactly I was going, still so weird, I even said I dunno 30th or somewhere up there, again, exactly where, still wondering wtf that is about, but I said by the grocery store or near. The point to note since it might be important considering I never got any more communication even writing the police chief directly to his email twice after being told 2-3 times they were waiting for any recordings of which I still have maybe 9GB, most of it compromised but that is a lot, as well as tons of it has been stolen, but mostly the problem is determining if its original. I had several at least two I can remember at this moment modified before I got home. One had the audio turned to fuzz, well that's the result of them both really. One covered up editing of a video which I had not done, I had viewed it and the other was covering up the music being played by one of the rapists in penticton mentioning ISOL over and over, very weird, bot had been modified before I listened to them later. My best recording a video in Moose Jaw my first day in moose jaw in years, first time as a TI, brand new starbucks, first visit to this location, had not spoken a word through it all, if i remember right almost 400MB, several failures to upload to cloud, backed up on external hard drive, it was stolen before I got to authorities as I slept in a bank machine downtown Regina, a hobo with ripped jeans and dirty sleeping in a bank machine with security camera does not get robbed of his dirt rocks and leaves and cans he carries around, truthfully the entire thing would not sell for 10$, they do not get robbed at knife point by people wearing masks. I know the evidence is valuable, I have carried weapons and on this day, I had my weapon and the external hard drive in an unusual place, the backpack, it's not top of my priority if I have a security camera around. I regretted this over and over even thinking I needed ka couple more things the next time I'm defending evidence, a simple knife would not be enough, fucking hell. It started with the staff as there were no patrons that day saying "This is gonna be easy, anything that rhymes with ape ok lets do it and they came out and started rearranging shelves usually I think that means distract me, or normal day, but its just two of them and myself, by the end of the video recording, rare as I usually use audio is less hard drive and for what happens to us, good enough, it ended with something that if it were stolen and claimed in a lawsuit it would get the victim a lot of money, but just in case of that I'll mention the end I walked into the bathroom and carved "f you" into the wall. If this video exists in the hands of Starbucks or a lawsuit or settlement or the police, it's mine, it may not have had my identity, sometimes I forget, I figured the carving in the wall would alert the manager and police and hopefully save my life, it was necessary and the abuse after what I have been through should be obvious to anybody even a dimwit it's a rapist terrorizing a victim, not the other way around, victims never spend a minute on the rapist, even if tehy can, why would they they want to move on forget about it, the rapist want to remind victims, indeed if victims spent any time on the person tehy want to get away from the rapist would probably enjoy the attention, oh wow they know about him, they all point out the sick things he's done, they all know the famous rapist, and this one looks out my eyes fantasizing he is me and they all know what he did and he can't be caught, even if anybody believes it then the physical person is another one of his victims, he's hidden by the mind reading device and with virtual reality goggles he's almost immune, the rapist psychopath is laughing as I wrote this, sick destestable and imagine not only being reminded of your rape your friends murder but 5 years of daily harassment, even if I get upset about someone yelling rape using this as an excuse I'm guilty, total morons, fucking had it.

I was eventually released in North Battleford with advice from the psychiatrist that said I was NCR due to "being unable to understand the seriousness of my crime of mischief" which is ironic but hard to be funny until this is over. I deliberately smashed the windows to stop the v2k assholes since they will be happy and stop the task of constant battering my ears with psychopath sick abuse of rapist stalkers, typical of rapists. I knew it was a crime, I'm not mentally ill, and I knew for sure this would get me arrested. By the time the stalkers had silenced which indeed never even uttered a peep after the smash of the window, usually they will go ha ha got you now and disappear. I got few if any communications for a while after that. I knew it would at least get me arrested and I would then speak with the chief of police that was there in Saskatoon days previous. I never spoke with any Saskatoon police, instead I was stuffed into jail as the wait lists for hospitals are almost as long as for trials, especially in this area. There are many missing perks of non-forensic hospitals but mostly that it meant no weed and that is the only thing that has lightened my stay in previous admissions. By a miracle I managed to smoke a toke at almost every hospital at least once and even once almost every smoke break, thank God for that but it's no real consolation, the situation is dire. Once in Vancouver back in 2014 I bought it myself had it delivered, even stashing half outside since my smoking buddy was a stranger and thankful since he did tell the nurses as his first excited happy statement upon arriving back in the ward, getting us both in serious shit, and left me incredulous as I warned him and he should be thankful they separated us, it's unreal he seemed to acknowledge the seriousness but didn't care. Before I left, he was on his way to a permanent institution since he told the VGH doctor he was an android and was cool with that, totally wrong person to smoke a joint with. I should have figured since he told me that the doctor couldn't know he was lying, she never pricked his finger. Don't joke around with psychiatrists, I have learned too that a joke never sounds right in a ward for mental health, it always sound crazy or rude.

The fact nobody is doing their job here from doctor to police to politician makes the situation hopeless. Even if they do, somehow they never bring whatever they discover back to me. Often I wait hoping for the best and it's like it never happened. Once a police officer said not to worry "someobdy is trying to kill you" and "I just thought you should know since you are probably thinking you're crazy but you're not". I never heard from CPS and went about thinking they were working on my problem, I eventually left Calgary for Penticton since the stalkers begged and cried that they missed home, and their "children", and had promised me to investigate the real rapist, Gary Lee, I thought it was something at least, I could go back to the house and they could see for themselves the rapist and where she probably died. The reality of authorities and everybody, even family or friends, all ignoring facts presented by an expert, an Information Scientist for f's sakes. If they appear to listen and say something reassuring and I leave expecting them to continue they will never return to me with what they encountered, I assume it's some reason to stop working, the rapist claims its this and that but obviously something else is occuring. I know if any had, I would be able to solve it for them not to mention prove it beyond doubt, potentially expose a serious problem our country is facing and will face after my death, it is a very serious matter and something is wrong with our system.

By the way it is lucky I happen to have that title, we're in an information war, but just a coincidence as I planned to make video games or hack computers legally. I never planned to make business software, and in school I hated reports and website UI, now both are clearly some of my best skills and I would give anything to be doing reports right now. It does not feel like the irony ever hit anybody like it should have, I'm more qualified to speak on these matters of technology or definitions of titles than the doctors or police since their jobs do not rely on knowing the definition of anything uncommon or outside of the demands of their job. It appears to mean nothing to all but one or two doctors who pointed out I couldn't do my job if I was developing an illness. Clearly it's hard for me to do anything with constant attack constant argument about even my thoughts. I'm frequently bombarded in a manner that is clearly interrupting basic chores or tasks. It can go on for a long time, even waking up day after day and wondering how many days the constant bombardment has gone on. The first time that abuse and torture happened was after the lady from authorities died. My title, Information Scientist, implies without explitly stating that I'm expert, in my industry an expert has 10 years of experience and must have had one of several other titles for all those years. It is not a title you can just give yourself even though I first used it thinking it was correct for an expert in the field of Information Systems otherwise known as Computer Science. This means nothing to anybody unless they look it up and still it's unlikely they find the right answer becasue that is most important to my career, not theirs.

After being arrested in Saskatoon and sent to North Battleford, I asked the social worker are you sure you told them I never got the tests Regina RCMP promised. I said did you tell them I was sent to a hospital after 5 minutes that included me saying maybe half the content of the rapists harasament, nothing more, all that was already told to the police before they promised no hospital just special psychiatrist and physical tests - this was important to me that they had some physical test that was not just a whim of a psychiatrist with no knowledge of technology, really 'sheesh' comes to mind. I was now in a nightmare and a city away because the hospital said they would release me if I got on a bus to Calgary and report to the drop in center there so I had a place to live. I knew better so I stopped in Saskatoon with their bus ticket, the hospital paid for it to Saskatoon anyways and asked if I would pay the rest, sure us homeless panhandlers buy bus tickets all the time. I knew better than to go to Calgary right now anyways, although at times they were really good and even consider returning some days as there has to be some future universe where this ends spectacularly where only do I regret those that died and never for a second would imagine a greater result or that a greater life exists for me anywhere else, except by saving Stephanie's Nieces life and the others that have died or by triggering the end to this all sooner. A great person once said, the more evil or powerful the evil that you fight in your life is a greater chance to do good in the world by speaking truth, truth to power.


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Not sure if serious, but if you are serious, then it makes no sense. You'd be dead if most of it were true. Your story unfolds as if you're the center of everyone else's world. Even murderers and rapists have their own lives to live. I doubt they'd put up with you for so long.


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