in StockPhotos4 years ago

WhatsApp Image 2021-03-17 at 10.02.39 AM.jpeg
[Photo by free authorship] [Foto de libre autoría]

The purslane or portulaca oleracea is native to India, the Middle East and southern Europe. It is considered mainly as a plant for medicinal use, it grows in a trailed form and reaches a height of approximately 30 cm. In some regions it is considered a weed, however there are those who know how to take advantage of its benefits and its appearance, since when they bloom they tend to be very beautiful.

La verdolaga o portulaca oleracea es originaria de la India, Oriente medio y el sur de Europa. Es considerada principalmente como planta de uso medicinal, crecen de forma rastreada y llegan a medir aproximadamente 30 cm. En algunas regiones es considerada como maleza, sin embargo hay quienes saben aprovechar sus beneficios y su apariencia, ya que cuando florecen tienden a ser muy hermosas.

Good morning to all, I hope you like it :)
Buen día para todos, espero les guste :)

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