How Important Is Relaxation To Human @million12|05/01/2024|

Greetings from me @million12 to you all my Steemians in the Steem Cameron Community, hope you all are doing great and also in your activtities.
I like to share a little about how important is relaxation to humans.
I think it will more educutive to you all.


In this context, in own point of view, relaxation is a process in which Some one decreases the stress effects on his or her mind and the body. It's has techniques that can help you cope with everyday stress on activtities.
It can also be a way in which some one f spend time by resting and feelling comfortable. It is petinate that some one should be able to find the odd moment for relaxation which will good for the body system.

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Being relaxing after a lot of streefull task is so good to the body suit me, how ever human being can't work 24hrs with out relaxing, so a time companies and factories do go on break time to enable their workers have that scene of relaxing at least 30 to 45 minutes to to make them be more active while returning to work.

In other word, the opposite of relaxing is stress, because if you are not working, you Are relaxing, people do over work to the extent that they damage their bod, a times felt sick due to hard working or over stress.

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The photograph shows how this lady have been over stressing her self in office, till the point of having headache, in this case some time she didn't observed break time which is very important to the body.

So it is petinate that human being needs relaxation as it is showing on this photograp.



Yes of course, animals do relax, when you observed animals activtities, you will notice that after their turning round and round the enveroment, of eating you will see them finding a place to relax even dogs that happened to be the most busying animals will be finding their corner for relaxation. So relaxing is a capsule for body growth


My advice to Steemians on steemit platfom, I do appreciate all curators, Greeters, and all others officials on steemit platfom form for their untireness work on steemit platfom and having sleepless nights to make sure the steemit platfom is well organized and of standard, So I @million12 do advice every Steemians on @steem platfom to be having spirit of relaxation.

Thank you for having me

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