We invite you to participate in the Awareness Space #6: Run away from home.

You are invited to the sixth prevention topic:

Many stories of disappeared people begin with a "escaped from home". Children, youth and adults; all have gone through situations where the idea of fleeing from home comes to mind as a possible solution to the problem, what they forget to think is that this action can complicate everything.

What can we do to prevent such a situation? Without a doubt, education and prevention is fundamental.
Recognizing that the highest rate of those who escape are children and adolescents, they are the parents and adults who must be attentive to the reasons that may lead the minor to commit this action.

We request your support to develop this topic, since it is something that affects us all, and in the community we can support and inform each other.

You have until May 28th to participate and collaborate on the contents of the Prevention Manual that will be published on May 30th, 2019, keep reading so you know how to do it.


  • Who flee from home?
  • Common reasons to run away from home.
  • How to prevent children and adolescents from escaping from home?
  • What to do if a family member runs away from home?
  • Relationship between family violence and flee from home.
  • Dangers associated with escaping from home.

Contribute and you will be rewarded, how?:

  • Make a comment on this publication, answering any of the issues or questions raised.
  • You can make a post, where you develop one of the proposed topics or questions, and then leave us in the comments the link to your publication.
  • You can also contribute and give some added value, if you comment or publish any personal experience related to running away from home; it has to be of an instructive nature, including some poetry or literature inspired by this proposed topic.
  • You can also tell us what your community is doing to inform, guide or prevent children and teenagers from leaving home.

Each publication and comment related to the proposed topic will be rewarded in WLS. In advance, thank you for your contribution.

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