What to do for Auto Motivate us

in #motivation7 years ago

For us, those of us who are still in Venezuela, because of the globally known situation that we are experiencing, every day it is harder for us to be optimistic, but I am determined not to let myself fall, to move forward, to grow, so I decided to search the web that I can do to motivate me every day and maybe motivate the one who share with me. Here is a summary of what I got in that search some strategies and actions to motivate ourselves:
• Every morning, when you get up, say firmly: "
"Today's gonna be a good day". And if it costs you, if you have a bad day, open the window and shout it loudly.
• Focus on all the good you have and not on what you lack, count your blessings.
• Thanks, give thanks for everything you have and for all the good things that happen to you.
• Meditate, meditation is a master key to get in touch with our soul,
• Choose your attitude, especially at work. Maybe you have not been able to choose your work, nor your colleagues, but if you can choose your positive attitude on a day to day basis, remember that it is the place where you spend most hours of your life.
• Think and practice how to brighten the lives of people around you. Remember that life is like the ECO: if you shout, "everything is crap, I'm a mess ...", fate will return shit and disasters. If you shout "Happiness, love ...", it is what you will receive.
• Find moments to "play" as if you were a child, never lose its essence.
• Periodically do things that you like, that you enjoy with it.
• Surround yourself with positive and motivated people: Hundreds of studies have shown that the group of people around us influence our behaviors. Therefore, to feel motivated, the best thing is to surround yourself with positive people, with good energy and with the desire to make a difference. Over time you will understand that motivation stops being something that is done, to become what you are.
• Works, shares and transmits ENTHUSIASM.
• Do not let yourself be influenced by your environment or news that you have no control over.
• Lose the fear of change, and live the dangers as OPPORTUNITIES.
• Balance your personal and professional life, it will not do you any good to be the richest man in the cemetery.
• There are no errors, if not different results than expected. Learn from them and be tolerant with yourself.
I will practice all the previous days, I hope it is effective for me and also for everyone who reads it.

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