Let us Be Examples

in HeartChurch3 years ago (edited)

Touching someone else's life, through our life and experience is something wonderful, through it that we once lived another person can be saving his life, his future, his happiness, believe it or not many times your experiences can be of great support to others.


Through what you lived that once caused you great disagreement, today can become a great example for others, for those who come after you.

To show what we are to others many times is not so easy, sometimes for fear it is not easy to express some type of advice, or simply we are not easy to deal with, that is why there is no demonstration, nor greater example than our way of acting.

To be an example for someone else does not mean that we must be perfect because it would be a lie, nobody can be, the example implies more action than perfection, besides that these actions generate confidence of the others towards us.

Let us not forget that we are a factor of change now, in this time, because God uses us so that through us other lives are transformed, so that others can see that it is possible to live according to God's will, and that if we allow ourselves to be guided by Him, our character can be molded to such an extent that we will be great imitators of Jesus' character.

Let us touch the lives of others with that love that we have gained in our rock and refuge, our God. That same love and compassion that we have found in Him, let us sow it in others, let us be compassionate as He has been to us. Let us learn that we must give back what we have received and this is by giving it to others as well.

An example is lived, followed and practiced, that should be our strategy, let us believe that it is possible, that in spite of our failures God gives us the opportunity to present ourselves before Him and we can be transformed every day, let us also live thinking that we are leaving a manual for others: our life.

Let us be examples from now on, but not just any example, let us be a great example inspired by the life and love of our Lord Jesus Christ.



 3 years ago 

Are we being a good example to all? (Luke 6:33). It should be natural for us. We have to internalize the behavior and be genuine (Psalm 37:27). If we don't, people will be able to see our deception. "As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good to all men, especially to those who are of the household of faith" (Galatians 6:10). It must become part of our nature.

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