STEEMCHURCH: Lord give me, give me!

in #steemchurch6 years ago

"... And whatever you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive ..." Matthew 21:22


How many times have we prayed and petitioned God insistently and make our relationship with him, a meeting only of demands and demands of what we believe are really our needs, and then spend a long wait that never gets to see the fruit of His effort, consequently, the lack of response to these prayers end up leading to frustration, despair and doubt about God's desire to give us everything we ask.

But a retrospective examination of our time of prayer and intimate communion with him is necessary, and we must not forget that from the very day we surrender ourselves to the Savior, from then on, absolutely everything we do or do not do must be low. the parameters and standards of God. Yet, when we are looking for him in prayer he established an effective way to do it, where only in that fulfillment will we achieve success; the answers to our requests.

We should not get to prayer just as we were in the supply of our community to acquire what we want without taking into account the one who attends us, this is one of the most common errors in the prayer life of the believer, James 4: 3 says You ask, and you do not receive, because you ask evil, to spend on your pleasures. This does not mean that God does not provide for a day of recreation or the purchase of a good product, note in the verse the word delight, and depending on it, compare it with Psalm 1: 2; But in the law of the Lord is his delight, and in his law he meditates day and night, ... it is evident that if the Lord and his law are not our delight, we must repent and return to the path. Remember that the world sets its sights on earthly riches, we who believe in Jesus Christ in those above who are seated at the right hand of the Father.

As already mentioned, more important than any request, it is the Lord who answers the prayer, since we were called to have intimate communion with him, to approach God must be an act of pure and sincere love for him. "The intimate communion of the Lord is with those who fear him, and to them he will make known his covenant." Psalm 24:14. Let us remember that it is on the throne of grace that we find the opportune help for when we are in various trials, that it is in his presence where joy is, where our lives are transformed and molded to the image of Christ. Jesus taught that to love God above all things, which is the first commandment and to the neighbor as to oneself, on these the whole law depends.

After depriving us of love for the things of the world, and of seeking God with all our hearts, his Spirit will continue to empower us through his word and help us to remove from us any weight that would prevent us from approaching him, then when he does not find selfish motives we can ask everything in prayer believing and we will receive it, 1 John 3:22 ... and whatever we ask we will receive from him, because we keep his commandments, and do the things that are pleasing in his sight.

So let us search the scriptures, daily pass moments of intimate communion with God looking for him in prayer, that may come out of our hearts what the psalmist expresses outside of you I do not want anything in this life, so in that love all we need for our sustenance it will be supplied by him.


"Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with unalterable love. Amen."



Ask with Faith and our father will give us what we really need at the moment we really need it. God knows what we are going through and what we want. Cute Post God bless you @milagros

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Seek first the kingdom of God and his justice and the rest will come in addition says the Lord, I know that everything we ask with faith to God He will give, but we must also stop to think that the most important thing is to have a relationship and communion with Our Father, it is very important to discover the mysteries of his word because this is the knowledge that will set us free to liberate others.

God bless you, thank you for sharing

minha firma.png

Gracias por tomar un tiempo y leer mi publicacion, normalmente estoy ocupaca con mi bebe y por eso no comento mucho, pero si leo tus publicaciones, que son tambien de bendicion! :)

Thank you for your sister comment, if I understand you, I have 3 children and it really is not easy, but God gives us the strength we need to serve God and the home. Greetings and God bless you

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