Daily Celestial Challenge: ( Love and beauty) Friday - Love/Beauty/Freedom Day/JESUS NEVER LEFT BEING

in #steemchurch7 years ago

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Despised and rejected among men,
male of sorrows, experienced in brokenness;
and like hiding his face from him,
It was despised, and we do not estimate it.
Certainly he took our diseases,
and he suffered our pains;
and we felt him scourged, wounded by God and dejected.
But he was wounded for our transgressions,
grounded for our sins;
the punishment of our peace was upon him,
and by his wound we were healed.
(Isaiah 53: 3-5)


Reading this verse, it is impossible to remember my beloved Jesus, his sacrifice, as he became flesh to suffer but not to perish, as he suffered for our rebellions.

and I question myself in something:


Would we have recognized it?

The master performed miracles all around, there were healings, prodigies, unclean demons fleeing, but the people still had their heart hard in the presence of God.

Then Jesus took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, he blessed them. Then he broke them and gave them to the disciples so that they could distribute them to the people. Everyone ate until they were satisfied, and of the pieces left over, twelve baskets were collected.

Events like these were recorded in the bible, but even so, the Pharisees murmured and similarly was crucified.

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that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is the Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Because with the heart one believes for justice, but with the mouth one confesses for salvation. (Romans 10: 9-10)

If you have not yet reflected on the need we have to recognize Jesus, but you think that the people who did not recognize and crucify Jesus acted wrong, then I invite you to reflect together that if we do not recognize you today we are acting exactly Same as the story.

Jesus in us is a necessity to be well, so that we are healthy.



Amen dear Sister! The Bible says Jesus was not attractive so we would desire Him.
The cool thing is He is the same, yesterday, today and forever. I have seen all of the miracles listed in your article. The multiplying of bread and fish, the lame walk, demons cast out.
Jesus told the rich man, many would not believe even if someone was raised from the dead.
God bless hermana preciosa!

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