Ki Hajar Dewantara # Indonesia National hero

in #writing6 years ago (edited)


The following figure is known as a pioneer of education for indigenous peoples in Indonesia while still in colonial Dutch colonial times. Regarding the profile of Ki Hajar Dewantara himself, he was born with the name Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat which we then know as Ki Hadjar Dewantara. He was born in the city of Yogyakarta, on May 2, 1889, birthday is then celebrated every year by the Indonesian nation as National Education Day. He himself was born to a noble family, he was the son of Soerjaningrat GP, who was the grandson of Pakualam III. Born as a nobleman then he was entitled to an education for the nobility.

Start School and Become a Journalist

He first attended Els Elementary School for European / Dutch children as well as nobles. After the ELS he then continued his education at STOVIA, a school created for the education of indigenous doctors in the city of Batavia during the colonial period of the Dutch East Indies, now known as the faculty of medicine University of Indonesia. Despite attending STOVIA school, Ki Hadjar Dewantara did not finish because he was ill at that time.

Ki Hadjar Dewantara tends to be more interested in the world of journalism or writing, as evidenced by working as journalists in several newspapers at that time, among others, Sediotomo, Midden Java, De Expres, Oetoesan Indies, Kaoem Moeda, Tjahaja Timoer, and Poesara . Writing style Ki Hadjar Dewantara also tend to sharply reflect the spirit of anti-colonial. As he wrote the following in the newspaper De Expres chairman Douwes Dekker:

..If I am a Dutch, I will not hold the feast of independence in a country that we have seized his own independence. Parallel to the way of thinking, not only unfair, but also inappropriate to have the inlander contribute to the fund of the celebration. The idea of ​​organizing the celebration alone was insulting to them, and now we dredge our pockets as well. Let's just continue the insult and the insult! If I were a Dutchman, the thing that particularly offended me and my fellow countrymen was the fact that an inlander was required to join an activity that had no interest whatsoever to him.

The article then triggered the anger of the Dutch East Indies colonial government that resulted in Ki Hadjar Dewantara arrested and then he was exiled to the island of Bangka where his exile at his own request. The exile also received protests from his organizational counterparts Douwes Dekker and Dr. Tjipto Mangunkusumo, now three known as 'Tiga Serangkai'. All three were later exiled in the Netherlands by the Colonial government.

Enter Budi Utomo Organization

The establishment of Budi Utomo organization as a social and political organization and then encourage Ki Hadjar Dewantara to join in it, In Budi Utomo he acts as a propaganda in awakening indigenous peoples about the importance of the spirit of togetherness and unity as the nation of Indonesia. The emergence of Douwes Dekker who then invited Ki Hadjar Dewantara to establish an organization called the famous Indische Partij.

In exile in the Netherlands then Ki Hadjar Dewantara started aspiring to advance his people, namely the natives. he Advertisement managed to get a diploma of education known as Europeesche Akte or prestigious education diploma in the Netherlands. This diploma helped him to establish the educational institutions he would make in Indonesia. In the Netherlands he also gained influence in developing his own educational system. Biography of Ki Hajar Dewantara - Indonesian Heroes In 1913 Ki Hadjar Dewantara subsequently married a noble descendant named Raden Ajeng Sutartinah who was the daughter of the paku alaman, Yogyakarta. From his marriage to R.A Sutartinah, Ki Hadjar Dewantara then blessed with two children named Ni Sutapi Asti and Ki Subroto Haryomataram. During his exile, his wife always accompany and assist all activities of her husband, especially in terms of education.

Go back to Indonesia and set up Taman Siswa

Then in 1919, he returned to Indonesia and immediately joined as a teacher at the school founded by his brother. The teaching experience he received at the school then used it to create a new concept of teaching methods at the school he founded himself on July 3, 1922, the school was named Nationaal Onderwijs Instituut Tamansiswa which we came to know as Taman Siswa.

At the age of climbing the age of 40 years, the character who is known by the original name Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat officially changed its name to Ki Hadjar Dewantara

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