Instead of doing push ups to help ex service personnel with their PTSD. Lets just stop sending them to kill people. Then they won't have PTSD.

in #politics8 years ago

I believe the best solutions are usually the simple ones. Instead of doing push ups to help ex service personnel with their PTSD. Lets just stop sending them to kill people. Then they won't have PTSD. (I can't be the only one who sees this stuff)

I feel compelled to write this after a brief interchange on Facebook. I am by no means an expert on social engineering or even a very good writer. Just a guy who seems to be able to see through some of the lies and propaganda we get fed on these days.

Soldiers usually get sent to war on a lie. Be it the WMD lie(link below), the phony "War on Terror"(link below) or the old favorite "He is killing his own people". War, as I'm sure we are all aware, is brutal. Death on both sides. Civilian casualties. Men, women and children, lost to this world because of the words and deeds of a few puppets following the will of their corporate masters.

I just read an article (link below) stating that western wars have killed 4 million Muslims since 1990. I don't know if the numbers are true but I do know that for every person killed there was someone, somewhere pulling a trigger. That person, despite any dehumanizing administered during their training, has a conscience. That conscience is a major part of what makes us human. How can we expect to function normally and happily when we are turning our backs on our own humanity.

I have experienced this myself on a much smaller scale. I was bullied at school and as a counter measure became a bully myself. I did some pretty horrible stuff to a few of the other kids. It worked in terms of not getting bullied anymore but then came the ultimate test. I had to live with myself. This is where the trouble started. I couldn't. I became a teenage solvent abuser and later an alcoholic. Dabbling with a variety of other substances. It was only after hitting rock bottom that I had to change and try to make amends for my former behavior. My early actions in life ruined the next 20 something years for me, and this was just a bit of bullying. I really feel for these poor souls who have to live with the actions of war. "Only following orders" just doesn't cut it on a consciousness level.

I am not for one second suggesting we don't help anyone already suffering. They need all the help they can get. But no one else has to suffer.......

I urge any one reading this...Please don't sign up. Let the politicians fight there own battles. Your spirit is worth so much more.

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