november 12,2013

in #anarchism8 years ago (edited)

way back in nobember 12,2013 is when i become an anarchist i realize that i was shifting to a higher conscinousness and realize the illusion that "government and "authority' was we each wake up at a different point but thanks to the internet it help waking more and more people from the time i was brainwashed in public schools by karl marx (didn't leran free markets economics) i didn't start question things untill i saw ron paul on youtube then the questioning my beliefs suddenly started to happen one question led to another to another and Boom i was an anarchist i actually wake up from @larkenrose and a meme i saw on the internet when i saw anarchy means no rulers thats when i put 2 and 2 together and realize that "Authority" was an illusion there no such thing as a "Government" or "state" so i started to debate minarchist and statist and slowly over time get my points across to them that "government" isn't real and i realize wait a minute i can make a difference in people lives so i started to learn everything that i can think of and now i follow the NAP (non aggression princple) and property rights i don't do any harm to anyone's rights or property they own themselves and i own me there no such thing as limited government Government is a ruling class that has a monopoly on violence in a given geographical reginion once you accept that "authority is a illusion you can help other people see their contradictions and logical fallacies and see there way to true freedom which is anarchy once you wake up there no going back to sleep and thanks to the internet its introducing more and more people to alternatives but if you wanna start at libertarian don't STOP there keep taking things to their ultimate logical conclusions and you'll end up an anarchist but i promise you if we prosue knowledge we'll make humanity a whole lot better by waking up other people and see them connect the dots reguarding conspiracy theory's and false flags i promise you if you keep taking taking libertarianism to its ultimate conclusions its ends up at anarchy i've read ludwig von mises murry rothbard george orwell "1984" listen to @adamkokesh Freedom listen to @larkenrose video's to get a solid understanding of statitsm and its twin sister "collectivism" tyrants has always sacrfice the great good instead of individual rights and have kill half a billion people in the 20th century alone if you wanna start with false flags then start with operation northwoods (declassified documents) and JFK ended up getting shot the internet is a greatest example of anarchy in action Anarchy is all around you :)

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