Smaller Upvote Value?

in #steem7 years ago

Have you noticed recently that your upvote is worth less? It's not just your's, all of them are. I won't go into how to calculate the value of your upvote, @yabapmatt did an excellent job at this in his post How to Calculate the Value of a Vote. If you want to see what your upvote is worth at any time you can go to or the upvote calculator both by @penguinpablo.

In general, the value of your vote is based on a percentage of the weight of your vote (voting power or Steem Power) against a value called 'recent claims' representing the voting weight all the users. I spent some time trying to find a good definition for recent claims without much success although I did find a post by @biophil, Decreasing Steemit payouts: will it continue?, that helped a little.

Your weight percentage is then multiplied by the value of the reward pool (in steem). The reward pool is the amount of steem that is available to be given out at any one point in time. You can imagine this value changes quite often. Your vote value in steem is them converted to steem dollars.

In an equation this can be reduced down to

Vote Value = Vote Weight * (Reward Pool/Recent Claims) * (SBD/Steem)

Your vote weight probably hasn't changed recently, unless you either powered down or powered up, so let's look at the other two ratios. In a previous post, Swimming in the Minnow Pool, I had talked about methods to track your progress in Steemit. From the data I was saving


You can see that the ratio of the rewards pool to recent claims has stayed relatively stable, a little change but not much. On the other hand the value of SBD relative to Steem has been cut in half. So guess what has happened to the value of votes on Steemit, they have been cut in half.

Sooner or later the value of SBD will come back and your vote will be more valuable again. In the meantime, just keep doing what you're doing.


Hey Mike.
I know so very little about the workings of Steemit but this touches on a question we have.

A post can accumulate votes w/o monetary gain. Is this because those voting have lesser voting power and it takes several votes to add up? Seems like we do ok with votes but it doesn't equate to minimal post pay out value we see.

See what I am trying to figure out? @nananini

This is only my opinion. Steemit is not a place to get recognized for your writing skills, photography skills, or whatever skills you may have, unless your a young female posting stuff under the nsfw (not safe for work) tag.

There are people on here that actually read the post, but most are here to use the system and make a little money. A lot of people that just get on Steemit read the post and upvote them, but they have no voting power so the votes don't accumulate any money.

What it comes down to is buying votes and selling votes. For any person on Steemit, you can look at there wallet and see the interaction they have had with the system. If you can find someone out there that is not buying votes and they are making more than $0.50 per post, please let me know who it is.

You have made the comment about how much time I spend on my posts, and your right. I spend 2,3 sometimes 4 hours a day putting a post together that in reality very few people look at. I have stopped looking at Steemit as a place to get meaningful feedback on my writing skills, which I would truly love to develop and more as a place to get money (not much at this point but hopefully I can improve that).

Steemit is a tough gig unless your willing to throw 1 - 2 thousand dollars into it. Steemit could have actually been called Steamit. As you gain SP, your build up steam,or momentum, as you sell upvotes through some of the systems and buy upvotes through the system.

I hope this didn't seem too much like a rant, although I use to love Dennis Miller's opening monologue. It was always a bit disrespectful but always on point.

That puts it into perspective. I have come to the conclusion that Steemit is a passtime or hobby. I have wonderful stories in my head (lol) i want to throw them out there just so I can play around. So far haven't had the guts to really go for it.

I am not one to write about personal issues or pain or overcoming challenges much. Although I touch on that occasionally. I like fun stuff.

I have always enjoyed your articles so you have one fan! Keep posting for fun.

Our blog will suffer as I am back to work now. With mixed emotions I might say. So will have less time. I have yet to buy votes. I am in it for the heck of it now.

By the way....check out the Wi weather forecast if you want a laugh.

Keep posting when you have time. I saw your weather forecast, welcome to spring.

Nothing like a great April Fools joke.

Everybody just needs to take a deep breath and HODL.


I absolutely agree. One thing about the value being low, it's not a bad time to to put some cash into steem.

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