How do you love the Environment ?

in #environment7 years ago

Are you one of the many people who call themselves ENVIRONMENTALISTS?

If so, then perhaps you've been joining PRO-ENVIRONMENT that aims to promote CLIMATE CHANGE awareness.

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Climate Change Awareness

Yet the battle is far from over. As long as logging ang mining companies continue to cut trees with reckless abandon, it will be impossible to achieve a reforestation program.

What will happen if there are no more trees to cut?
Who will end up being on the losing end?

Its not the present generation. Its not them or us also. But the future generation who will be the ones ending up on the losing end.
Why? Thats because they will only see trees in pictures and videos.

When to Stop ?

It will be nice to see if these firms will decide to tuck away their axes and chainsaws. And instead help the government in its reforestation program. For the trees serve as MOTHER NATURE's natural air filters against air pollution.

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Increasing Fruits to Harvest

Coz if trees aren't cut, everybody will benefit. Imagine the decrease of garbage that will be collected everyday. And the increase of fruits and vegetables that will be harvested.

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Imported Rice
And then there will no longer be a need to import rice from other countries. Because trees balances the flow of water.

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Barriers against Landslides

They also serve as natural barriers against landslides and raging water flows. Yes we need to cut them but unfortunately even the younger ones are being cut down. This shouldn't be happening. Imagine a city protected by trees from strong typhoons and other natural disasters. This will definitely decrease the number of casualties during natural calamities.

Benefits from Trees

Its unfortunate that while we continue to reap benefits from trees, we don't even bother to know at what age we shall cut them down. Trees that have not yet matured enough should not be cut down just because there is a continues demand for lumber.

Lets be aware that once they are cut down they will never grow back. Its best that they should be let to age properly so that the lumber we get from them will be strong and sturdy. And there must be a sustained reforestation program so that the mountains won't be completely denuded and wild animals can live in prosperity.

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We continuosly take the environment for granted.

Because a lot of trees have been cut down especially the young ones, climate change starts to set in. Typhoons have become more stronger and deadlier. The hot temperature has increase to alarming proportions. So if forests are continuosly to be flatten the adverse effects will be more scary. And the current and future generations are the ones who will be most affected.

Money Making

The harsh reality that cutting down trees are a good money making industry.

Logging and mining companies cut down trees for different reasons. For the logging firms they supply lumber to the wooden furniture and construction supplies industries. Because these industries continue to demand for wood, the logging industry continues to cut down trees. And because of this they earn big money and they buy more capable tools to chop trees.

On the other hand, mining companies cut down trees to serve as materials for building barracks and support beams once they start drilling inwards. They need their mines to be strong so that the tunnels they make won't cave in and collapse in case of natural disasters. And the only way to ensure this is through cutting down trees.

So we as Environmentalist, the fight to stop logging and mining is a long and time consuming battle. While still continue to try to educate every ordinary people about climate change, the logging and mining companies will continue to cut trees and make money.

As ordinary citizens our best chance of saving the envronment is to help plant new trees.Thank you !

Thank you for stopping by steemitians. :) :)

Feel free to leave a comment below. For more updates, do follow me @miggy148. Upvotes and so as resteems are highly appreciated. Thank you steemians!!!.


That is so true, we owe a "thank you" to all the trees out there who are constantly giving us free oxygen.

Yes ,feel bless that we have trees that gaves oxygen :)

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