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RE: Think What You Want, but Facts are Facts! Fact is: the Cartoon "The Simpsons" has Made MANY Uncanny Predictions in the Past. They've Also Made a Recent One! If IT Comes to Pass...LOOK OUT!!

in #predictions7 years ago

Hey Brian

Chris Wilson here. You might know me from such youtube comments as "Taxation is Theft" :-)

If you do a simple search, you find articles like

There are clips of letter agency spokesholes bragging how they have influenced many popular productions for both television and the big screen.

If you follow the crack pot illiminati themes, "they" must telegraph what they are about to do to the "rest of us" / slaves / useless eaters. Numbers like 33 in a news article, the FBI 6 week cycle, all random number theory ? Maybe, then again maybe not.

Are "they" signalling to us through The Simpsons ? Your presentation is compelling

While every bankster will always claim, "Past performance does not guarantee future earnings", there is certainly wisdom in stopping, taking a deep breath, and looking at the balance of probabilities.

I am happily out of touch with the M5M and do not have a television connected to anything external. No Netflix, I do watch a few things on YouTube and listen to the No Agenda Podcast. Once a week I will check in on's news service. I have never been happier. If I want to hear a politician speak, I will listen to the original feed and bypass the comentary. You get to hear what they say, not what the establishment want you to hear....but I digress.

I follow the money. Money funds power. Sociopaths seek power, ergo money. There is accounting that is made available through announcements and places like the SEC and the NYSE. Start there.

Look at what companies are being bought up, in these industries. Who is making announcements about new government agency partnerships. Who has new tech in these fields. M5M isn't going to tell you, but its there, for the relevant investment audiences.

Nothing has shown up on my radar about prep for a nuke meltdown, however I will forward this to my network within the No Agenda community and see if anyone is on to this.

Thanks for your hard work


ps I have 6 pack abs....they are just kept in my padded cooler ;-)


Great comment. I never get tired of seeing your "taxation is theft" reminder! I LOVE it. Padded cooler....Hilarious! You got a 100% upvote for that one!

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