Don't Rush to Take Medicine, to Relieve Pain

in GLOBAL STEEM3 years ago


Hi everyone !

Tonight I want to be more concerned about the use of drugs. Sometimes yes, we people are quick to take medicine. Just dizzy for a while, already looking for medicine at the shop, at the drug store. I've only had a short fever, I've taken paracetamol. So recently there has been a viral video about a drug called PCC.

I am very curious, why then this drug can make people die. Some are poisoned, some are vomiting. What is the actual content of this PCC?

PCC stands for Paracetamol Caffeine Carisoprodol. Paracetamol is a drug that is used to relieve pain and reduce fever in the body. Usually people use this drug when they have a headache, or have a cold. This drug is also sold freely.

For adults it is recommended to take one tablet, every 4-6 hours, with a dose of 500 milligrams. Paracetamol here works by blocking the production of substances that trigger pain. As for Caffeine, surely your friends already know. This caffeine content is in coffee, and is used to increase our awareness, focus, and alertness. That's why those who like to stay up late really like drinking coffee.


In the world of health, caffeine is used as a grinder, or pain reliever.

The third ingredient is Carisoprodol. Carisoprodol is a type of drug that can be obtained only with a doctor's prescription. Its function is to make the muscles more relaxed, thereby cutting the pain that flows from the nerves to the brain. PCC drugs that are consumed together will damage our nerves, what is happening today is the emergence of hallucinatory effects.

It's scary, drugs that are supposed to relieve pain, even heal, actually make people sicker even more. And for those of you at home, or maybe those who are reading this article, you have to be more careful in using drugs. Sometimes, if you are dizzy, have a headache, you don't have to rush to take medicine. Because actually there are foods and drinks that can relieve dizziness, and headaches.

Medicine does have a very fast effect to cure all kinds of diseases, or certain types of diseases. But you shouldn't eat medicine too often, it can have a bad impact on health.

If it's just a pain that isn't too severe, try to get used to reducing taking medication, this is for your health too. Now, talking about natural medicines, if we have problems with headaches, or dizziness, there is a medicine that can relieve it, but in a natural way.

Some types of food or drink, it turns out to be able to relieve headaches and dizziness in our heads.

The first is foods that are high in magnesium. Foods that contain magnesium include green vegetables, edamame, pumpkin, bananas, avocados, whole grain bread, tofu, and spinach.


Foods high in vitamin B2, contain high magnesium. Foods containing vitamin B2, lyboflavin, are also believed to relieve migraines. Such as mushrooms, broccoli, spinach, soybeans, yogurt, and eggs.

Then it can also be high-potassium foods, such as salmon, watermelon potatoes, tomato sauce, pears, cereals, and milk.

Then there is water. The simplest thing to get rid of a headache is to drink lots of water. This is because headaches usually arise due to dehydration, so consuming water will prevent you from getting headaches.

If you don't want to eat or drink, you can choose ice cubes to relieve the pain. Ice cube compresses on the head that hurts.

Well, finally there are avocado seeds. The trick is to grate the avocado seed, then mix it with a little water, paste it for 1-2 hours, or before going to bed.

Okay, that's the information, hopefully it will be useful for friends at home. See you in the next post.

Best regards always.

By @midiagam

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