Attention: Do the marketing experts still not see the important point?

in #marketing7 years ago

There is no doubt that we live in a care-based economy.

As marketers, we need the attention to validate our work. It's the soul of what we do.

Think about how we sell Twitter and Facebook and email marketing to customers. Think about your great and creative sales presentation to management, the series of videos you've always wanted to make, the podcast of a niche market that you know your audience is dying to hear, at some point in the presentation you're going to start using terms like "Page Impressions" and "Social Actions" to describe metrics of success.

Not worth it; Not read

Seth Godin shared his thoughts on the phenomenon of dl; nl or too long; unread, and how this infectious way of thinking of quick and shallow content is spreading through the media and marketing industry. Based on Seth's post extending the topic in a post of my authorship on Google+ and stated that success in 2015 will reach those who go a little deeper.

The idea is that while your competitors fight and look for where the next viral hit will be, which nobody cares about, you take your real fans on a trip that Cal Newport would describe as "uncomfortable and exciting.

I am concerned that, as an industry, we are selling silly gold to earn the job, regardless of the ramifications of what we will have when the job is done. We are empowering our clients, our team, our management that superficial thinking, superficial content, and shallow metrics are the metrics of success of the work we do.

But what happens when sales don't happen?

Do you really want to build a dl: nl audience?

If you're a media company that sells advertising, maybe it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter until your advertisers start applying filters to page impressions as time and pagination triggers to determine the actual extent of branding and attention. Maybe there is still time until your advertisers refuse to pay for page impressions where your ad was not visible for a certain period of time... maybe.

Are you ready for when that day comes?

Do you have a strategy to start building a constant audience of real fans who will want to visit your website over and over again, not to watch the latest viral video or catchy headline, but because they believe in what you're trying to do?
Seth would reply that a more appropriate acronym is nvp; nvp; nl-it's not worth it; unread and while realistically this concept will never go into fashion, it's an important mindset that content creators, marketing experts and media companies must understand.

The concept dl; nl is not or does not mean that your content is too long. There is no valuable content that is "too long". What dl; nl is really saying about your content is that it is superficial and lacks real value.

The winners in the economy of attention in 2015 are going to deepen the message, the value, the content, they will not worry about the concept dl; nl, because their main focus will be to accumulate fans of truth.

Losers in 2015 will spend their time trying to beat their competition by curing superficial content, with the aim of sleeping the minds of Internet users.

Attention is a game against self

Attention is not a zero score game. You don't get attention from your competition. I am a huge fan of Apple products and Google products. One brand's incredible products or messages or marketing campaigns don't make me dislike or pay less attention to the other brand.

I can tell you the right time when I fell in love with Apple's messages. It was with his "Your verse" campaign. Apple had my attention, much more than that, he managed to put a hole in my convictions as a person and as a content creator.

What did I do then? I went and wrote about the video on Google+.

We dislike brands for the quality of their products, the quality of their customer service and the quality of their beliefs (the reason they are in business), not for their marketing.

However, we can love brands for their marketing.

We can love brands for the way they make us feel when we buy your product. I feel more creative sitting in front of my Mac than when I was using a PC. There is no rational reason for this, but it is 100% true.

The problem
We're not fighting for attention. That's the point. Mitch Joel, Mark Schaefer, Marcus Sheridan, my work does not seek to distract attention from these thought leaders who create content and share their ideas on topics similar to mine.

My work must find its own audience of real fans and then earn more and more attention from these individuals.

I'm fighting a bat

Thank you and good luck,

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