what Unveiling Some Terms About Love?

in #love6 years ago

I came across these questions many times in life, "what is love? Is it good or bad? Do you believe in 'the one'" and the list goes on very long! And each time my answer is the same.

Love is a fairytale! It is planned by God himself and executed by the nymphs!

It is the most beautiful feeling of in the world, rather it is not just a feeling, it is an emotion. It is not just felt, it is lived. It happens, it grows and it changes it forms too.

Love is not just the feeling spouse carry for each other, it ranges from impersonal to interpersonal love, from the love of mother for her children, love for friends and family to love for nature and hobbies, it is something very wide and elaborated.

I read somewhere that love gives pain and suffering but it also gives the courage to overcome that pain. Well, I don't fully agree with it. How can a feeling as beautiful as love become a cause of pain? My mind is still not ready to accept it. Well, it may be because just like the millions of other girls, I have spent my whole life watching romantic movies and thinking that one day my hero will come to rescue me. Ladies, I don't want to hurt you but there ain't coming any prince charming who will change your life for good.

The ultimate lesson I have learned from my life is that at the end of the day you are the only and only person who loves you the most and no matter how much caring and loving the other person is, there will come times when you will start to feel that he don't even know you and vice versa. So my suggestion to you is just to stop waiting for that one right guy and start loving yourself right from this very day, in fact right from this very minute

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sometimes I feel that love does not have a manual

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