Prayer-Communion with God

2Co 13:14 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.

Today I would like to discuss an aspect of prayer that will make or break our prayer life.

  • What are the reasons prayer is so difficult for some to maintain?
  • Like the disciples, is Jesus asking us, “Why could you not tarry with me for 1 hour?”
  • What is the best part of prayer?

If we miss the best part of prayer, prayer will always be a burden. It will become boring! We all have to admit, sometimes in our prayerlife we have “slept before the Lord”.

I know we are to (1Th 5:17) Pray without ceasing, but there are times where we need to shut ourselves in with God! Daddy time! Fellowship, Communion, Two Directional prayer! Sometimes this time does not even require words. Enjoying each other’s presence as Adam walked in the cool of the day with the Lord.

Prayer is the time when we experience and hear the heart of God! Intimacy! The best part of prayer is His Presence! His voice! Not us talking all of the time, but much listening. And even during this time, His correction!

The reason prayer is dull or lifeless is because we made it into a religious practice. The reason why we would rather lay in our bed, instead of communion with our Creator, our Daddy, the Author of life. We make it only a time of asking. This is why we are admonished, “(Psa 37:4) Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

If we are smart or wise, the desire of our heart will be Him!


When my 4 year old son comes to me, no matter what I am doing, I hit pause! I stop whatever I am doing, when I hear him call “Daddy”. Nothing is more important than my son! He may have an agenda or a need. He may come to ask me for something and that is fine. It is my joy to take care of him and watch him with admiration. But when he comes and just climbs on my lap, cuddles up close to me. He relaxes and you can tell he feels safe! Now this is the “Daddy time” that tops all of the rest! Sometimes we may softly speak to one another. Sometimes I encourage or gently correct him. Sometimes we just enjoy each other’s fellowship. This is communion!

Just acting like I am asleep. Daddy time!

Not the God of afar off, but of closeness. Truly experiencing heaven before we reach heaven. Jesus died to gice us a way to eternal life and to get us to heaven. But just looking at the Lord’s Prayer, He died to get heaven into our lives while we are still on the earth. Thy kingdom come!

I woke up at three this morning and immediately my first thought was that I get to meet with God. What a privileged to carry, everything to God in prayer! To actually meet Him in the secret place. To see Him that is invisible! To trust everything in His capable and generous hands! To have a two way conversation and communion with the Almighty! So many things going on, so many things uncertain. But He holds the future, I will trust in Him!

What would happen if we really believed His Word? That He is with us always, He is attentive to our cry! He sticks closer than a brother, never leaving or forsaking us! Believing this would calm every fear, would instill in us an everlasting Joy.
Time in His presence! Not just a head knowledge, knowing about Jesus, but to know Him! The highest place of all, at His feet in worship and tuning our ear to His voice. Falling in love with Jesus! Loving, trusting, believing and obeying!

Thank you for your time! All comments are welcome if respectfully submitted.
God bless!
Daddy William



This post has made me understand that prayer is more of intimacy and hearing from God, not you talking all the time.... Thanks @mhmphilippines for sharing the word.

Very true! Meeting with God is the best part!
Thanks for your comments!
God bless!
Daddy William

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What a great teaching on prayer,, the truth is that, we have gotten it wrong, we only see prayer as a medium through which we ask God for those things we lack, forgetting that it is also giving Him thanks, resting in His presence, and calling down His glory in studing and meditate on His words...
Thank you... Man of God.

Thank you for your comments and additional supporting thoughts. Prayer coukd be classified as our highest calling.
God bless!
Daddy William

In this present world we live in prayer has become a religious ordinance, even those who are meant to pray know what next to pray about so there is no leading of the spirit, everything becomes as usual.

Amen! When we pray we should experience God and be led by God and experience life and make memories.

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