Today is The Election Day!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Probably some of you guys did not notice that today is the election day for Iran(because you are not following politics-related events around the world, especially Middle East events), the event that could impact on Iran's relation with the Middle East, Europe and rest of the world even the United States and its allies. we have two serious candidates out of four(the other two are not going to make it even up to 1%).


the first one is the current president of Iran DR.Hassan Rouhani and the second one is Ebrahim Raisi the Custodian of Astan Quds Razavi.

Dr.Hassan Rouhani


He is a true politician, a person who knows how to compromise, how to communicate with other countries, how to talk with people and how not to provoke them by adding unnecessary limitations like being strict about Hijab and other things . he is the one that paved the way for sitting on a table with United States(people who follow the news know what a big deal that was), and to be honest, he is the best as it gets(not perfect, though.)

Ebrahim Raisi


Unlike Rouhani, Mr. Raisi is a big supporter of suppressions and setting limitations, he is not a person who is able to compromise, he is a conservative whose approach is to cut relation with the whole world and he looks at sanction as an opportunity to be independent, in one sentence he is not a good news for Iran ,Middle east and rest of the world, imagine him making deal with Donald Trump, the least result would be a war between two countries!

Iranians in election






And this is me voting for Dr. Hassan Rouhani :)

(My fingers are crossed for him)

Thank You



You should vote with finger print?

yup :))
and you have to provide two different IDs, one is your ID card(they put a sign on in to know that you have voted once)and another one is your national card(the one in the picture is the national card)
seems crazy but true :))

سلام اقا میثم...ی خواهشی دارم از شما.لطا ی توضیحی بدید که برای اننکه دارمد بیشتربشه چیکار باید کرد؟ اگه اصلا امکانش هست ی راهنمایی جامع تهیه و پست کنید

سلام نيما جان، اگه چند ساعت به من فرصت بدي يك پست فارسي ميذارم كه اگه كس ديگه اي ام دنبالش بود بتونه ازش استفاده كنه

مرسی میثم جان...خیلیا دنبال همچین چیزی هستن.اگه جامع باش که مطمعن باش بچه ها رو واقعا شرمنده می کنی. مثلا الان من چرا من بعضی از پستام 2 دلار بوده اما همش داره کم میشه اش و الان رسیده به 1.5؟

دليل اينكه بعضي پست ها بعد از چند روز كمتر ميشه پرداختيشون به خاطر قيمت جهاني استيم و همچنين تغييرات در سهمي هستش كه بهت تعلق ميگيره، مثلا افراد ديگه راي بهتري ميگيرند و اين باعث ميشه از سهم تو هم كم بشه، تلاشمو ميكنم پست جامعي باشه، اما اگه سوالي بود حتما مطرح كن

بزرگواری مرسی ازت...

Nice post - good luck from Vienna!

Thank you @hastla :)

I am following you for updates - interesting how that turns out.

I will come up with an update for sure :)
followed back

Great Article :)

Agree totally.

thank you for the feedback :)

alohaaa , nice post nice post <3
Dr. Hassan Rouhani im with you!

Thank you@anejosua for your support

🖐 yaa welcome..
u must support me too
xixixixi 😜

Good luck with the election, hope it will be a good result for you guys and the world

Change of current administration is going to cause lots of problems for everyone here.
Thank you @uwelang

LOL nice job jst "assuming" NONE of us "acare about politis" or "ccre about the middle east"

well hey do YOU care about MY local politics why dont YOU care about who i running for mayor in San Diego, California!?!

seriously come on man! alot of us DO ccare aboit politics ahst why awe are on a website that is censorship free! we are siick of being censored by cultural marxists on reddit youtube facebook twitter etc

anyway, nice post, just edit the beginning, and cange it to make it sound a little less demeaning, your talking down to the NETIRE website like web are all just igorant childfen wit NO concept of the world outside our little USa or Western Bubble...

coome on, and dont even get me started on your fake elections!

your votes dont count! you HAVE to vote for a religious muslim ayattolah! the ayatolah is teh supreme leade! you live in a dictatorship with fake elections that dont mean athing!

the "illusion" of democracy is quite nie though!

Have fun with that billion dollars obama gave to you. Hope you invest it in rypto currency!

iran still has a long way to go with throwing off its dark age muslim nonesense! all reliegon is bad but islam is the worst sorry, just have to tell you thetruh, if that offend ypu too bad, islam is terribel and opresses women! that woman looks happy beause she doesnt know any ettter! look at that black dark ages HOOD she must wear! its dark age shit man...let your women wear what they want! wwomen cant even get a brightly colored hijab in iran without permission from the fucking government

your country's government sucks and so does the islamc reliegeon that opreses you

I still upvoted your post, so evven if youget mad at my comment, be happy that you mae money off me at least!

and thats all that matters in teh end right? thsi website taking care of our phsyical needs liek food and shelter

obviously you do know what is happening here in the Middle East :)
thank you for you long and unexpected comment, and also the suggestions about making changes in the post .

I have little hope for progress through electoral politics. After all, we in the US got assigned the no-win choice of Trump or Hillary. But less authoritarianism is a nice potential result in the short term. I hope it works out for the best!

to be honest we are stuck with these options as well, the only thing we can do is to get the best out of possible options, thank you @jacobtothe for your comment

Today I learned

Good content I follow you and you :-)

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