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 One year we were playing, The Real Springboks; that was way back then a rugby test against the all blacks in Durban. 

All the principals of the school decided that it was worth driving to Durban for this big occasion. The one principal is the one that I have told you about. He was my deputy principal and got the post at the school near his home. He did not live in a very big town it was a big farming community.  One of the farmers had a yogurt factory on his farm and we all knew him well as it was not very far, about 30 km from where we lived. My principal friend had him as a parent. 

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What we did not know was that he had convinced the farmer to fill the yogurt cups with whiskey and seal them like yogurt. He gave all of us some of this yogurt to carry.

We went down to Durban by bus, but you were not allowed to take any liquor into the stadium. Seeing we were all carrying packs of yogurt we had no problem going in and all we had to take with us was Ice. We had a wonderful time as we opened the yogurt cups and added our ice to our drinks. They did sell beer but we did not even need to get up as we were all sorted. 

The story I actually want to tell was at the next symposium he organised the same thing for us to celebrate on the last day before we went home.  I knew what he was planning and phoned the farmer and said do me a favour give him yogurt and not whiskey like the previous time. The farmer wanted to know why, and I told him we wanted to play a trick on this principal.   

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We flew down to the next symposium all carrying our yogurt and left it in his room. The evening before we came back, he invited everybody to come and have a last drink, knowing he still had all his yogurt cups filled. We all went and sat round in the room talking. He started dishing out the yogurt cups. We said no as this your last symposium before retiring you must have the first one and make a speech.

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He opened one, and what a surprise, it was yogurt. I have never seen anyone in my life react the way he did, first we thought he was going to faint then he started using language that is not repeatable on steemit and then he was really angry. He asked us what had happened and we said nothing as if no one knew about it till this day. One of them said maybe he had picked up the wrong box from the farmer. No he said I did not and started opening all the yogurt cups and they were all full of yogurt.  Till his death a few years ago no one had ever told him the truth. Sad to say we miss him as he was a great sport and we had lots of fun together. 

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He was very diabetic but ate like someone who did not have diabetes. When we got to the room he use to inject himself in the stomach with his medicine because he knew if something happened to him his wife would kill him in any case because she worked so hard on letting him follow the diet he was supposed to. Well I do hope you enjoyed my true story and I shall be writing more about education in the coming days. Thank you for reading and enjoy your  day.     


I want to go when I want. It is tasteless to prolong life artificially. I have done my share; it is time to go. I will do it elegantly.

- Albert Einstein

It is true thank you.

Hahahaha this made me smile - how wonderful to remember fun times with good friends

So true and really miss them when they are gone.

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