"Search the scriptures."—John 5:39

in #lighttheworld7 years ago

 Jesus taught: "Search the scriptures."—John 5:39 The scriptures contain the word of God, relayed to us through inspired servants. As we study the scriptures, we grow closer to God and gain a clearer vision of our purpose on earth.  

Today we must write about John 5:39 “You diligently study the Scripture because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me.” Verse: 40 “Yet you refuse to come to me to have life.” 

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The Pharisees and the scribes explained the bible to the people, before the birth of Jesus and all the time he was on earth as a man.

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Pharisees trying what to tell the people.

 They used the Ten Commandments as their source, and did not want to deviate from them. They used the Sabbath much wider than was necessary as they described, walking through a corn field and your clothes dropped some corn on the ground, you were against the Sabbaths rules as you were reaping corn and that was against the Sabbath they said it was working. 

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A lot of people could not read or write in that time, and had to accept what they were told. It could have been right or wrong they would not know. 

Jesus made it clear to them, that by just reading the bible you will not be accepted in the Kingdom of Heaven as He was the scripture. 

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Jesus meant he is Life. If you believe in Him with all your might, like in your heart and soul, you will be able to reach ans will possess eternal life. 

Jesus, who died on the cross for our sins, is for me and many other people unbelievable.  Therefore we must just accept it like a child and believe like a child as that is the only way that we will ever reach eternal life. We know that  is why he died on the cross for the sins of the sinful humans on earth. With him doing this wonderful sad hard, thing for us, he has given  us a better chance as we can now pray for forgiveness and through not repeating the sin we can reach eternal life'


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I really hope that you enjoyed my seeing and have a wonderful day here from the Wild Coast.  


Great post and good writing.i like your post and upvoted.

Great works, I wish you success

Your work is great

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