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RE: AOC and Mass Disinformation Campaigns

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)


AOC is not a part of your "spook chicanery." The media is propping her up to become the face of socialism, just like the way they put Al Gore out there as the face of "global warming."

Personalize an issue and you control the issue. Show the people their wonderful hero, pump the person up, then, when the time is right, tear the person down and tear down the issue with the person.

This is exactly what will happen. Guaranteed.


The standard formula is such: ignore, discover, applaud, question, destroy.

Case example: Howard Dean.

When Howard Dean was the most popular internet candidate ever, media was silent. Eventually, to avoid losing credibility, the media discovered Howard Dean, and even complimented his campaign. But this lasted only a few weeks. As the critical primaries neared, Howard Dean was questioned upon his "electability" and chastised for commenting on southern people in pick up trucks. Finally, the infamous "Dean scream" was presented over 700 times on the media to wreck Howard Dean's campaign. To direct people to their chosen candidate, the media began to put John Kerry in our minds as the most "electable," the one with the "momentum."

It is anyone's guess what will be the equivalent of the "Dean scream" for Sandy. But it is certain there will be something.

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